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为残肢增加的新双重攻击动画。Added a new double-attack animation for Mutilate.

这类梦想层经常用于破坏能量场和剥夺记录。Such dreamtime was often used to mutilate fields and strip records.

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乱切,乱打用击打、压、切或撕的方式使残…To mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or tearing.

把它弄得支离破碎是不行的,伙计,那就可能像是已经作废了。It wouldn't do to mutilate it, PARTNER. It might seem to be cancelled.

为什么人类假借改善的名义而毁坏土地呢?Why do humans mutilate the land under the guise of making improvements?

毁伤和毒药伤害在所有情况下降低…Mutilate should now be doing lower damage vs. poisoned targets in all cases.

盗贼技能毁伤现在造成基于天赋的相称伤害。The Rogue ability Mutilate now does its appropriate damage based on talents.

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嗯。基本上,主快副慢额外的毒药触发收益稍稍超过在毁伤伤害上的损失。Yep. Basically, the extra poison procs you gain just barely outweigh the loss of Mutilate damage.

男侏儒毁伤动作使主手匕首刺穿过了侏儒的肩膀…Gnome male animation for "Mutilate" causes the main hand dagger to stick through the gnome's shoulder.

他声称,费恩海姆曾亲口向他承认,自己遭受着一种疾病的困扰,此种疾病驱使着他周期性的杀害女性并毁坏她们的尸体。Feigenbaum had confessed, he said, to suffering from a disease which periodically drove him to murder and mutilate women.

事实上,2005年英国的一项研究表明,女孩们经常会将芭比娃娃毁容或肢解,而其他玩具却安然无恙。In fact, a 2005 British study revealed that girls often deface or mutilate their Barbie dolls while leaving their other toys unharmed.

那两个姐姐,拼命地要穿上鞋子,不惜摧残自己的脚——在格林兄弟的版本里,这些砍掉脚趾和脚跟的细节一览无余。The sisters, desperate to fit into the slipper, mutilate their own feet, cutting off the toes and heels all described in exquisite Germanic detail.

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过去数世纪中渔夫经常死去,直到船只够庞大与结实而使鲨鱼不再能刺穿或毁伤船上船员为止。Fishermen often died in centuries past and until boats became so large and impermeable that sharks can no longer penetrate or mutilate those on board.

举例来说,他们可以抱着一种对待异类的心态去折磨、酷刑残害他人,轻松得好似感恩节晚餐时切割一只火鸡。For example, they can torture and mutilate their victims with about the same sense of concern that we feel when we carve a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.

如果不管什么原因,我的孩子不能在自己的国家里自由自在的生活,我也不会因为对体制的恐惧,砍掉他的胳膊或者砍掉他的腿,否则就再也没有继续做艺术的理由了。If these offspring of mine cannot live in their own country for whatever reason, let them be free. There is no reason to mutilate them in fear of the system.

双相情感障碍是精神科的一种常见疾病,由于其较高的发病率、复发率,致残率和致死率而日益受到广大精神科专家的重视。Bipolar disorder is a kind of common disease of Psychiatry and it received special attention of psychiatrists due to the higher incidence, relapse rate, mutilate rate and lethality.

有别于弓腰叩首的传统形象,他在压抑、受挫的日式精神中栖身,在扭曲失调的千年日本里横冲直撞。He's the dark creature inhabiting repressed, frustrated Japanese psyches, who instead of bowing and kowtowing, is allowed to mutilate his way through twisted, dysfunctional, millennial Japan.

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微创钻颅术联合病灶中心亚低温联合治疗高血压脑出血可明显降低病死率和致残率。Combined minimally invasive surgery crashing and aspirating hematoma with mild hypothermia on locus center can obviously lower the death rate and the mutilate rate of intracerebral hemorrhage.

毁伤贼比暗步贼更危险,因为当驱毒抵抗时他能造成极大的伤害,如果D被烧蓝的话形势就很不利了。Mutilate Rogue's are harder than Shadowstep because when they do get in range of you that abolish poison resist paired with how much damage they do can be nasty if your druid gets mana burned.

可以刺伤其耳朵,另外,中亚述法律,也将对妻子的暴力行为合法化了,“如果她是应受的“,自由人可以拔其发,毁其耳。He may mutilate his ears by piercing them. The middle Assyrian laws also legalized violence against a wife. "When she deserves it" a seignor may pull out the hair of his wife, mutilate or twist her ears.