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于是有了这种结果。So here's the outcome.

这个是个能让人满意的结局吗Is that a satisfactory outcome?

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你不能计划出每个结果。You can’t plan for every outcome.

不要对结果妄加猜测。Don't conjecture about the outcome.

因此所制定的政策也大相径庭The political outcome is different.

他本来能阻止这个结果吗?Could he have prevented the outcome?

这是个人前期预设的结果。It is the outcome of presupposition.

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我们都知道最后悲剧的结局。We all know the sad outcome of that.

你可能边等结果边掉泪。You'll weep as you await the outcome.

这要取决于你在哪家公司上班。The outcome depends on where you work.

派普博士说,“那些当地人的后果就是死亡。”The outcome for those folks was death.

痛苦和快乐并存发展着。The outcome of pain and happy process.

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所有这些方式都会产生双重结果。All of these things have a dual outcome.

故事〉。要怎麽写、结局才能罘寂寞。How to write, the outcome can Fu lonely.

但是,谁也不确定这就是结局。But nobody can be certain of the outcome.

此番高票通过的结果让人惊讶。The clarity of the outcome is a surprise.

人越大就越见分晓。The larger the more people see the outcome.

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战争胜负难以预卜。The outcome of the war is hard to foretell.

嵌岩寺便是这时期的产物。Qianyan temple is the outcome of the period.

那场戏,终是没有结局的合上了。The play, the end is not the outcome closed.