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他从链子上拆下一个链环。He detached a link from a chain.

没有脱离现实。She's not detached from reality.

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手表从表链上拆下来。I detached my watch from the chain.

他把手表链从手表上拆下来。He detached his watch from the chain.

这里是通往东北的要隘。Men were detached to defend the pass.

我已把表从表链上取了下来。I have detached the watch from the chain.

她使自己不带任何偏见。She detached herself from her prejudices.

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派飞机去搜索幸存者。A plane was detached to search for survivors.

这位军官今天上午派遣了一个团的兵力。The officer detached a regiment this morning.

并且对人冷漠,是的,冷漠,疏离于世界。Aloof, really. -Aloof, detached from the world.

解开伞后,我发射了信号弹。Detached from parachute, I shot a signal pistol.

一切碎屑和分离的老皮必须清除。All debris and detached epidermis must be removed.

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这大都是一些孤立的,学究式的文件。These were mostly detached and scholarly documents.

你可能有个不上心的母亲或者一个满腹惊恐的母亲。You may have had a detached mother or a scared one.

这机器将被从旋窑取开。The machinery is to be detached from the rotary kiln.

瓶子对你太冷淡,常想与你分开。The Water-bearer is far too cool and detached for you.

一片很薄的岩块,它与主岩面分离。A thin bit of rock that is detached from the main face.

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一只白鳍鲨在大离礁海域巡游。A whitetip reef shark cruises over Great Detached Reef.

谁又能够真的正超脱所有的悲与欢来看待浮生呢?Who can really sad is all detached view and enjoy life?

将军派遣一支大部队去包围机场。The general detached a large force to surround the airport.