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我们谈论他的宦海沉浮。We talked about his ups and downs in officialdom.

揣摩上心是官场的基本原则。Surmising the heart is the basic principle of officialdom.

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由于与官僚作风做斗争,她是眼中钉、肉中刺。She was a thorn in the bush, as she fought with officialdom.

这是那种典型的令人不快的官僚主义态度。This is a classic example of the killjoy attitudes of officialdom.

第四章,新时期官场小说自身呈现的弱点。Chapter IV is about the weaknesses of the new era officialdom novels.

宏村巷子旁有一条小渠官场整个村子。Hongcun alley next to a small drainage throughout the village officialdom.

王健宇还说,法国企业通常过于轻视中国的地方政府。They often pay too little attention to local officialdom in China, he says.

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王跃文的官场小说为我们呈现了中国官场荒诞的一面。Wang Yuewen official novels display us the absurd side of Chinese officialdom.

从道家思想上看,他的任真思想无法忍受官场的黑暗。Judging from Taoist thought, his intolerable Ren Zhen thought officialdom dark.

不过,他们这种反体制的做法很快就引起了政府的注意。Their anti-establishment tactics, however, soon brought trouble from officialdom.

受调查者们说,在官场供职犹如置身高压锅。Working in officialdom creates a pressure-cooker atmosphere, the respondents said.

可以说,官场小说的蔚为壮观的繁荣景象产生了强烈的社会效应。Can be said, the spectacular novel officialdom prosperity produced a strong social effect.

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但是,如果直系亲属是奴仆出身,在明代官场上是很被人看不起的。But, if the next of kin is a maid is from, be despised very much on Ming Dynasty's officialdom.

满汉全席原是官场中举办宴会时满人和汉人合坐的一种全席。Man hanquan banquet was originally held dinner in officialdom amidst and han a feast sit together.

居官、婚嫁均以此为主要参考,政治作用较强。Both officialdom and marriages had it as the main references, for it had a strong political effect.

而多年的宦海生涯,也使他成为一个于封建不舍汲汲的功名迷。The many years of officialdom career, but also make him a feudal dismay engrossed in the fame fans.

在封建时代的中国,在竞争激烈的考试中名列前茅,是日后官运亨通的必要条件。The passing of the competitive examinations was the prerequisite to an illustrious career in officialdom.

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霍恩第知道江湖险恶,官场更为险恶这个道理,准备委婉拒绝。First horn know the world is dangerous, officialdom is more sinister this truth, ready to politely refuse.

官场中的弄虚作假和封建迷信,是“官本位”文化的表现。The practice of fraud and feudal superstition in officialdom is due to the culture of standard of official.

因此领导人对任何可能断财路的措施感到紧张。So the leadership is nervous about any measure which might kill the goose laying golden eggs for officialdom.