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他们起诉他扒窃商店货物。They prosecuted him for shoplifting.

入店盗窃已经是个巨大并且越来越严重的问题。Shoplifting is a huge and rising epidemic.

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从12岁开始,我抽烟、饮酒并入店盗窃。At 12, I began smoking, drinking and shoplifting.

她对于曾因店铺盗窃而被补,表示羞愧。She is ashamed of having been arrested for shoplifting.

店东签定了控诉书,指控他们在店里扒窃货色。The storekeeper signed a complaint accusing them of shoplifting.

当地警察队年轻妇女在商店行窃案件的增加感到不解。Local police were puzzled by an increase shoplifting by young women.

入店行窃之类的犯罪活动将处以3至5个月的徒刑。A crime like shoplifting is to be rapped with 3-5 months' imprisonment.

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在商店连番行窃之后,她惶恐终日,害怕给人发现。After her shoplifting spree she lived in mortal dread of being found out.

无论他们是否有助于推动销售,这样一种友善的欢迎被认为可以减少商店行窃。Whether or not they boost sales, a friendly welcome is said to cut shoplifting.

因为偷吃她已经丢掉了多份工作,甚至还在商店盗窃。She's lost several jobs for pilfering food, and has even resorted to shoplifting.

那个在逛商店时顺手牵羊而被捉到的富翁被发现有盗窃癖。The millionaire who was caught shoplifting was found to be suffering from kleptomania.

一个新的趋势,在高买了零售商加大工作力度比以往任何时候都严厉打击违法犯罪。A new trend in shoplifting has retailers working harder than ever to crack down on the crime.

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我痛恨我当时的生活状况,我认为偷窃能够满足我对生活的一部分的控制欲。I hated the situation I was in and the shoplifting was about having some control over my life.

我最后停止入店盗窃因为我想向我自己证明我可以戒掉这个坏习惯。I finally stopped shoplifting because I'd proved to myself that I could do it and get away with it.

穆德•亚当斯,参议员亚当斯先生的女儿,仅有19岁的她由于被指控冒充顾客进商店行窃而被逮捕。Maud Adams, daughter of Senator W. R. Adams, was only 19 when she was arrested & accused of shoplifting.

我是一个伟大的贼,由于我的逃跑本领而著名。提前声明,这次商业展也无法避免。I am a great thief, renowned for my feats of shoplifting. Be forewarned, for this trade show shall not escape unplundered.

近年来,有组织高买戒指已经形成,首恶者,让他们的追随者的物品清单,以窃取。In recent years, organized shoplifting rings have formed, with ringleaders who give their henchmen lists of items to steal.

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接著,那家百货公司,就像Sony一样,也可以寄一封信到巴士公司去抱怨授权以及顺手牵羊的事情。The store, analogously to Sony here, could well send a letter to the bus company complaining about authorising the shoplifting.

尽管他有犯罪的前科,但我当时还是给了他工作,可是我看错了人,因为他刚又被判有冒充顾客进商店行窃的罪行。Despite his criminal record I still gave him a job, but I backed the wrong horse because he's just been convicted of shoplifting.

在音乐广播之下,你听到的故事中,和在购物商场里,也许隐藏了一条隐蔽的信息,它劝诫反对入店行窃。Beneath the musical broadcast that you hear in stores and shopping malls may be a hidden message which exhorts against shoplifting.