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而且,我喜欢费城。And I loved Philadelphia.

该项工作将在费城执行。The work will be performed in Philadelphia.

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消失在这费城街头。Wastin' away on the streets of Philadelphia.

波士顿也一样,费城也差不多情况Same in Boston. Close to that in Philadelphia.

这里是从录制的“费城故事”。Here is a recording from "The Philadelphia Story."

史密斯先生通勤于纽约和费城之间。Mr. Smith commutes between New York and Philadelphia.

费城76人队争到球,艾弗森扣篮得2分。Philadelphia 76ers steal ball and Iverson slam for 2.

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费城在斯沃斯莫尔北边只有11英里。And Philadelphia is only 11 miles north of Swarthmore.

她主演的一出戏称为“费城故事”。She starred in a play called "The Philadelphia Story."

在周五对费城的比赛中他砍下本赛季最高的21分。He scored a season-high 21 points Friday at Philadelphia.

我毕业于费城的圣约瑟夫大学。I graduated from Saint Joesph's University in Philadelphia.

类似的提案在纽约和费城遭到否决。Similar proposals have failed in New York and Philadelphia.

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1945年,詹姆斯首次在费城玩具城参加玩具推销会。In 1945, James debuted the toy at a Gimbals in Philadelphia.

这同样适用于芝华士瓜达拉哈拉和费城联盟。The same goes for Chivas Guadalajara and Philadelphia Union.

她知道,“费城故事”将拍成电影。She knew "The Philadelphia Story" would be made into a movie.

我的一个室友叫加布,来自费城。One of my roommates is named Gabe and he is from Philadelphia.

费城有幸成为一系列“迷你暴动”的举办地。Philadelphia has been the lucky host for a series of mini-riots.

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当这个人还活着的时候,他居住于18世纪的费城。When he was alive, this person live in 18th-century Philadelphia.

“发现贫困很容易,”他告诉费城调查报。"It's easy to find the poverty, " he told the Philadelphia Inquirer.

我们会做到的,因为我们已经在我们费城的实验室里实现了。Well, we can, because we have it working in our labs in Philadelphia.