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我先带你去见见你们部门经理。I would like to take you to meet your dep.

协助生产部门控制好产品的品质。Assist Manufacturing Dep . to control product quality.

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闪光灯设计将给予您通过我们的设计部。The flash design will be given to you by our design dep.

JDC-16对邻苯二甲酸二乙酯的降解。JDC-16 was further characterized for biodegradation of DEP.

那压力可以为邀请病毒创造更多条件。Dep That stress can create conditions more invading inviting to viruses, so.

本公司设生产部,质量控制中心,营销部,财务部,对外贸易公司。Our company including Produce Department, Quality-control Centre , Sales Dep.

犯罪防治系师资阵容及论文发表数量全国第一。Dep . of Criminology has the highest quality of faculty and publications in this field.

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毕业于山东艺术学院油画系。1996年毕业于中央美院油画系第八届研修班。Graduated in 1996 from the 8th graduate class of the Dep art ment of Oil Painting of CAFA.

办公人员涵盖在设计部,业务部,物流部,售后服务部等。Officel employees contain in Design dep. , Sales dep. , Logistics dep. and After sales dep. !

公司说在6月24日正式发售之前将视库存情况重新接受预订。AT&T said it might resume taking preorders before the June 24 launch , dep ending on inventory.

器材科管理着医院的所有器材设备,任务很繁杂。Materials Dep . manage all equipment and instruments in a hospital and its task is very complex.

而且,邻苯二甲酸二乙酯紧紧是在古龙水中被发现的12种不同的荷尔蒙放射性混合物的一种。What's more, DEP is just one of 12 different hormone-disrupting compounds found in the colognes.

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了解采购、生产、品质部门的运做程序,能承担部门团队内部和外部的沟通协调工作。Knowing procedure of purchasing, producing, quality control Dep. I can do communicated job home and outer.

生产分为工模部、压铸部、激光部等十多个部门。We have about more then ten departments working for production, such as Molding DEP . Die-Carting DEP etc.

病险水利工程的研究与治理是我国水利部门的一项急迫工作。It is urgent for the hydro-engineering Dep. to study and control the diseased and dan-gerrous hydro-engineering.

商业网站经常扮演虚拟办公室、虚拟商店、虚拟信息部、虚拟营销部、虚拟服务部的角色。Business website usually plays the role of virtual office, shop, informational dep. , marketing dep. and service dep.

负责项目管理,包括新项目,新设计,协调项目开发过程中采购部与技术部的组织协调。Responsible the project management of localization, new project, part changes and assist Purchasing Dep. and Engineering Dep.

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DEP是微软公司新推出的一项硬件安全技术,它能够有效地防范缓冲区溢出攻击。DEP is a hardware-based security technology issued by Microsoft Company, and it can prevent buffer overflow attacks effectively.

因此,当微软推出支持这项计划,列入其作业系统,他们称之为它的硬件环保局为防止数据执行。So when Microsoft introduced support for this into their operating systems, they termed it Hardware DEP for Data Execution Prevention.

这些优点使其在皮肤科、伤科、眼耳鼻科等方面被广泛应用。According to these qualities, unguent is widely used in various fields, such as Dep. of Injuring, Dep. of dermatology, Dep. of EEN etc.