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他一直因为自己暂时还是一个诗人而玩耍。He's already been playing around with the temporality of the poem.

体育舞蹈中身体的暂时性体现了主观与客观时间的对话。The temporality of the body is the embodiment of the subjectivity and the impersonality.

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但这种艺术与时间关系的变化也使艺术的时间性和艺术本身也发生变化。But this change of the relationship between art and time also changes the temporality of art itself.

接近是同一与他者的关系,它与我自身的暂时性是不能同步发生的。Proximity is a relation of the Same and the Other that cannot be synchronised with my own temporality.

不过无论哪个时期的当代性都具有片面性和常规性一致的特征。Regardless what time, that temporality all does have one-sidedness and the conventional characteristic.

杜夫海纳认为审美存在的时间性主要指“人的历史时间”。M·Dufrenne think that the temporality of aesthetic being chiefly means the temporality of human history.

第一章简要介绍了利科的哲学与时间性问题的关系。Chapter one, the author summarize the relationship between Ricoeur's philosophy and the problem of temporality.

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在母语及二语的习得过程中,时间的表达是语言教学和语言学习的重点。Temporality is an important issue in language teaching and learning both in first and second language acquisition.

时间性是在当作品从空间的整体考虑,而无内外的区分的时候得到实现的。Temporality is realized when the work considers the space in its totality, without distinctions between in and out.

基于对物质的托马斯主义的理解,拉纳论证说,物质的人是空间性的和时间性的。Based on the Thomist understanding of material, Rahner argues that material human being is of temporality and space.

在那里,某件其他的东西被实现—出现作为意图性的东西,当然,而是具有一种奇怪的暂时性。There, something other demands to be realized—which appears as intentional, of course, but of a strange temporality.

我们得出了组织设计的三个特征,主要集中在形式给定、环境关系与现时性三个方面。We offer three characteristics of organization designing-focus on form giving, relation to environment, and temporality.

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如果将竞争理解为一个动态过程,市场权势具有竞争性和暂时性。If we interpret competition as a dynamic process, market power exhibits characteristics of competitiveness and temporality.

时间概念的表达是所有自然语言的必要组成部分,千百年来学者们对时间的语言表达进行了广泛研究。The expression of temporality is essential in all natural languages and it has been extensively studied over the centuries.

金字塔代表了永恒的时间,俸正杰再一次强调了美好事物和人类青春的短暂。Pyramids stand for the eternity of time and once again, Feng inhabits the structures with the temporality of beauty and youth.

如果将竞争理解为一个动态过程,市场权势具有竞争性和暂时性。If we interpret competition as a dynamic process, market power exhibits the characteristics of competitiveness and temporality.

它具有现实确定性、质量性、合理性、时间性、空间性、生灭性、特殊性、有用、有利等属性。It possesses relative certainty, quality, quantity, rationality, temporality , spatiality, particularity, utility and so forth.

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本文全面介绍了国外时体系统二语习得研究的主要方法和发现。During the past three decades, researchers have extensively studied the acquisition of temporality in second language acquisition.

这些思考方法上的优点与局限,都深深地植根在历史事实的「时间性」与「空间性」之中。The strength and weakness of these two tpyes of thinking are deeply imbedded in the temporality and spatiality of historical facts.

但这一法规与新的国家体制和经济体制批判性地并行,因此它自身就传达着这种应时性。But it is now in a critical juxtaposition to the new institutions of state and eonomomy and therefore itself conveys this new temporality.