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走过榅桲树。Walking by the quince.

将榅桲块放入锅内。Put the quince pieces in the pot.

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他们吃榅桲,切成片,切成片。They dined on mince, and slices of quince.

梨树被嫁接到榅的根茎上。Pear trees are grafted on quince rootstocks.

树上熟榅桲正好拿来做果酱。Tree ripe quince is perfect for making the preserves.

无花果、温悖和多种香料的混合香气萦绕杯中。Lifted fig and quince aromas with undertones of aromatic spice.

香气浓郁,透着淡淡的柠檬香和木瓜酱香。The nose is intense, with slight lemon aromas as well as quince paste.

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梅花或海棠花提醒我们新事物时刻在改变。Plum blossom or Quince blossom reminds us that new things can always grow.

适中的透着青苹果香、柚子和温柏香气。Medium aroma intensity with fruity notes of green apples, grapefruit and quince.

温柏树是最早开花的植物所以用它来象征春天的开始。The quince shrub is one of the first to bloom and has come to symbolize the start of spring.

她看了一眼房子前那颗老榅桲树树枝里黑黑的东西。She caught sight of something dark in the branches of the old quince tree in front of the house.

她没有再向那颗榅桲树回头多看一眼,她用她最快的速度走过了这条街。Without a backward glance at the quince tree, she began to walk as quickly as she could down the

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想到这里,她开始快步地沿着街往前走去,再也没有回头看一眼那棵柑橘树。Without a backward glance at the quince tree,she began to walk as quickly as she could downthe street.

我今天尝了桲,酸得像柠檬,硬得像木头,干涩得像椰子皮。I ate quince today, which acrid like the lemon, hard like the wood, puckery and like the peel of coconut.

用正交试验法对木瓜中的齐墩果酸和熊果酸的提取工艺进行研究。To study the optimum technology of extracting bioactive component named Oleanolic acid and Ursolic acid in Chinese Quince.

贴梗海棠行至消防员不能到的地方,并能检测当地的化学、生物、放射性物质及核物质的含量。Quince rolls on treads and can sense chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear dangers in areas that firefighters can't reach.

为木瓜齐墩果酸的合理开发和应用提供了科学的依据。Reasonable exploitation and the application have been provided the scientific basis for oleanolic acid from Chinese flowering quince.

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本论文初步地研究了新疆两种药用植物,新疆榅桲和新疆香青兰的化学成分及测定了有些生物活性。In this thesis, we preliminary studied the chemical composition of Xinjiang traditional medicinal plants Quince and Dracoephalum mololarie L.

这台机器人最有趣的地方在于传感器,它装备的红外感应器同时也是二氧化碳探测器,能够监测人体呼吸和体温状况。But where it gets really interesting is in its sensors. The Quince has an infrared sensor as well as a carbon-dioxide sensor, which it uses to detect human breath and body warmth.

榅桲是传统的中药之一,富含具有药用价值的化学成分,如鞣质类、有机酸、氨基酸、挥发油和黄酮等。Quince is one of the traditional Chinese medicine plants. It contains a large amount of valuable medicinal components such as tannins, organic acids, amino acids, naphtha, and flavonoids.