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所以,头发不需要任何局部护理。So, hair doesn’t need any topical treatment.

用来治疗眼睛传染疾病的磺胺药物。A topical sulfonamide used to treat eye infections.

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她建议闲聊时要定好调子选好话题。She advises keeping small talk finely tuned and topical.

多粘菌原来只推荐作局部应用。Initially, polymyxin was recommended for topical use only.

他们探索诸如食品安全以及价格此类时下热点事件。They probed topical issues such as food safety and prices.

局部用克林霉素有报道可致假膜性结肠炎。Pseudomembranous colitis has been reported with topical clindamycin.

这个领域代表主题信息的处理层。This domain represents the processing layer for topical information.

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您可能需要使用皮质类固醇的话题治疗发炎的地区。You may need to use a topical corticosteroid to treat inflamed areas.

这类酒店的客房设施,一般有很强的主题性。This kind of hotels guest room facility, has strong topical generally.

所有外用类维他命A都能有效治疗光损坏皮肤。All of the topical retinoids effectively treat actinically damaged skin.

口服抗阻胺药物或者局部类固醇药物使用能减轻痒的症状。Oral antihistamines or topical steroids may be used to decrease itching.

局部应用视黄醛类药物治疗光化学性角化病有一定效果。Topical retinoids have some effect in the treatment of actinic keratoses.

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除三脚妖外,温德汉姆的其它作品也涉及了广受争议的话题。Apart from the triffids, Wyndham's other novels also cover topical issues.

其它治疗手段包括收敛剂和局部或口服的药物治疗。Other lines of attack include astringents and topical or oral medications.

一些时下流行的疗法中包含了促发这一系列事件的成分。Some topical treatments contain ingredients that start this chain of events.

外用抗生素也有抗炎作用,科尔伯特博士说。Topical antibiotics also have an anti-inflammatory effect, Dr. Colbert says.

我也想了解这个问题,我正在考虑使用安体舒通乳液。I would like to know the answer to this as well as I am considering topical spiro.

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目的总结表面麻醉下小梁切除术的体会。Objective To conclude the experience from trabeculectomy under topical anesthesia.

经过一整年的治疗,对烧灼、冷冻治疗及外敷咪�莫特等疗法皆无效。Over one year they failed to respond to cautery, cryotherapy and topical imiquimod.

热门药物,如皮质类固醇药物或二甲基亚砜,在早期治疗中非常有效。Topical medications such as corticosteroids or DMSO may be effective if used early.