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中上鼻道息肉可以引起邻近骨质吸收脱钙。Poly ps in superior and middle meatus may cause bone absorption and decalcification.

后胸廓缩小,食管入口黏膜再次内翻,发声结束。After that, thorax shrink, the meatus of esophagus turn in again, the voice behavior is over.

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筛窦与中鼻道细菌的相关性较小。The correlationship of bacterium between the middle nasal meatus and ethmoid sinuses is little.

发声时,下咽黏膜、食管口黏膜与黏液均参与振动。When phonation, the mucosa, mucus of infra pharyngeal and esophageal meatus take part in vibration.

其初期症状显示排尿困难及间歇性尿道口脓液排出。The primary presenting symptoms were dysuria and intermittent pus discharge from the urethral meatus.

对尿道外口狭窄主要行扩张治疗,对吻合口狭窄应以手术治疗为主。Urethral meatus stricture were treated mainly by urethral dilation, and anastomosis site stricture by operation.

在接下来手术创作发觉新的尿道和尿道口时,这些个四周构造都要重新修整过。The surrounding tissue will be trimmed back fur ther later in the operation to create the new urethral meatus , or opening.

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毛霉菌病、恶性外耳道炎、气肿性胆囊炎、坏死性蜂窝织炎。Wool mycosis, malign external auditory meatus is cholecystitis of swollen sex of phlogistic, gas, necrotic quality phlegmon.

旋肩胛动、静脉在入三边孔前与肩胛下神经伴行。The circumflex scapular artery and vein were complicated by the subscapular nerve at the front meatus of the trilateral foramen.

鼓膜北京鸭的鼓膜直径约6毫米,构成外耳道内端的背侧壁。The membrana tympani is about 6mm in diameter and forms the dorso- medial wall of the medial end of the external acoustic meatus.

并发尿道外口狭窄并尿囊形成1例,尿道外口狭窄2例、吻合口狭窄1例。Stenosis of meatus with secondary urethral diverticulum is found in 1. There are stenosis of meatus and stoma in 2 and 1, respectively.

现在尿道的组织已经修整好,并且从会阴上较低的那个开口拉出来,开辟成一个新的泌尿管道。Now the urethral tissue has been trimmed , and has been brought through the lower incision in the vulva , creating the new urethral meatus.

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目的利用鼻中隔和下鼻道黏骨膜瓣对前颅底部分骨质缺损和脑脊液鼻漏进行修补的研究。Objective To investigate the neoplasty of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea by means of mucoperiosteal flap of nasal septum and inferior nasal meatus.

充分暴露外半规管轮廓和砧骨窝,保持骨性外耳道后壁的完整。Outside the full exposition the semicircular canals outline and the anvil nest, maintains the osseous external auditory meatus behind completeness.

结论功能性鼻窦手术主要适应证是感染性鼻窦疾病或妨碍引流的中鼻道病变。Conclusions The main indications of functional sinus surgery are infectious nasal sinus diseases or meatus nasi lesion that may interfere with the drainage.

吸气时,经由上鼻道之气流,于瘘管开口形成负压,此力量将泪液曳引流入上鼻道,同时由黏膜纤毛之组识结构助畅其流。The inspired air flowing through the superior nasal meatus results in a negative pressure. This force drags in tear flow which is facilitated by mucociliary apparatus.

沿着乳突轮廓将预筋膜一骨膜层呈水平”Y“字型切开,暴露骨性外耳道和乳突。Assumes along the mastoid process outline a pre-fascia periosteum level the level" Y "the font incision, the exposed osseous external auditory meatus and the mastoid process.

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鼓索神经有时位于外耳道前壁或平行越过前庭窗,这种变异给手术带来困难。The wall before nerve bosomy all alone is located in external auditory meatus sometimes or parallel cross vestibular window, this kind of mutation brings difficulty to the operation.

结果该组16例中,输尿管口撕裂6例,输尿管穿孔7例,输尿管黏膜袖状剥离1例,输尿管断裂1例,黏膜下隧道1例。Among 16 cases, ureteral meatus disruption 6 cases, ureter perforation 7 cases, sleeve exfoliation of mucous membrane 1 case, ureter fracture 1 case, tunnel under the mucous membrane 1 case.

先生性外耳瘘管除了耳前瘘管最为常见外,少数会发生在外耳的其它位置。Most congenital auricular fistulae are located just above and in front of the meatus and named as preauricular fistula or pit. Some auricular fistulae are located in other areas of the auricle.