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你是个失败者。You’re a loser.

那就证明我是个窝囊废。Then I’m a loser.

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是我。我就是那个失败者。Me. I’m that loser.

不要做一个输不起的人。Don't be a sore loser.

你这次输定了。You are a loser this time.

喔,一个失败者登堂入室了。Wow, a LOSER is in the house.

而失败者是不会甘心的。And the loser is unreconciled.

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这个男孩是个彻头彻尾的窝囊废。The man is absolutely a loser.

珍丽注定是个失败者。Jenny is destined to be a loser.

毛毛虫这个角色不好!The Caterpillar is a loser part.

这个商场才是真下的失败者。The shop will be the real loser.

测试后就太迟了,笨蛋。After the test is too late, loser.

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我就像一个败者,一个遭受惨败的人。I felt like a loser, a major loser.

秋季的鹿瑟山。Mountain Loser in autumn landscape.

失败者垂头丧气地坐着,全身瘫软。The loser sat slumped in dejection.

花言巧语的家伙,火柴人,窝囊废。A flimflam man, matchstick man, loser.

你就会开始认为自己是个失败者。You may start thinking you're a loser.

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但是苹果,现在在游戏领域是一个失败者。But Apple, doing gaming now is a loser.

如果你仅仅拥有一份低收入的工作,那么你是一个失败者。If you have a low-paid job, you’re a loser.

输的人罚倒垃圾一个月。Loser has to take out the trash for a month.