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是否能够打印发票?Can invoices be printed?

我印了这张报纸。I printed this newspaper.

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这本书印得很好。The book is well printed.

我喜欢这种印花府绸。I like this printed poplin.

他在1455年就印刷了圣经。He printed the Bible in 1455.

前衫身有龙图印花。Dragon printed on front panel.

直到那时书才被印刷出来。Only then is the book printed.

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它是印在再生纸上的。It is printed on recycled paper.

图中显示出打印的计分卡Figure shows a printed score card

他所说的是“任何一本印刷过的图书。”He said "every book ever printed."

这本书用大号铅字印刷。The book is printed in large type.

文书工作可以缓一缓。A printed or written literary work.

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这一页没有印好。This page hasn't been well printed.

比如说,它可能是打印出来看不到?Well, he might have printed it out.

内部定制地形印衬。Internal custom Topo printed lining.

他盲目相信一切印刷品。He accepted blindly anything printed.

胸前有花布蝴蝶结作装饰。A floral printed bow trimmed on chest.

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印着春秋冬夏的牵挂。Printed spring summer and winter care.

价格在菜单中印刷是廉宜的。The prices printed in menus were cheap.

这张快照印出来不太清楚。This snapshot hasn't printed very well.