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那就到地区经纪公司看看。Go to a regional broker.

扶持新的区域增长极。Promotion of new regional poles.

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管理175名下属销售人员。Managed regional sales staff of 175.

这一地区性集团已土崩瓦解。This regional bloc has fallen apart.

包含局部性和地区性的差异contain local and regional variation, and

另外,但地域特点也很重要。But the regional dimension is one of them.

山东士族具有文化性和地方性。Shantung literati was cultural and regional.

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将对伊战略置于地区努力中。Situate the strategy in a regional approach.

欢迎来到中建一局华南区域公司!Welcome to CCFG South China Regional Company!

黄金日线指标反弹至34区域。Gold daily indicator rebounded to 34 regional.

然而,并非所有州都有区域办公室。However, not every state had regional offices.

无所作为的另一种风险可能就是局部战争。Another risk of inaction could be regional war.

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门球也是团队项目和地方体育。Gateball is very much a team or regional sport.

我在与世卫组织各区域主任对话。I am speaking to the Regional Directors of WHO.

“地域美术”是指较大地方里的本乡本土美术。Regional arts is the local art in bigger places.

地区合作的作用将会增大。The role of regional co-operation will increase.

我完全同意区域主任的观点。And I agree entirely with your Regional Director.

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在十余个地方组织区域活动。In a dozen places regional activity is organized.

我们搭乘地区性航空公司“纳斯航空”的飞机飞往阿斯马拉,。We flew on Nasair, a regional airline, to Asmara.

他最初于1982年成为东地中海区域主任。He first became Regional Director for EMRO in 1982.