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他被认为是个恐怖分子。He was adjudged a terrorist.

她是一个狂热的恐怖分子。She is a fanatical terrorist.

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那名恐怖分子逃往亚特兰大。The terrorist dusted for Atlanta.

为什么说中提琴手像恐怖分子?Why is a violist like a terrorist?

这是印度面临的恐怖包围。This is a terrorist siege of India.

恐怖分子的罪行令人发指。The terrorist crimes dripped horror.

人格分裂啊,有些恐怖。Split personality, ah, some terrorist.

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他谋划了许多次恐怖袭击行动。He masterminded a number of terrorist attacks.

他被恐怖分子用机关枪打死了。He was shot by a terrorist with a machine-gun.

德国德累斯顿的火焰炸弹是恐怖行动么?Was the firebombing of Dresden a terrorist act?

哪个恐怖分子能将你吓成这样?What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?

核恐怖袭击的必然性。A nuclear terrorist attack is a near inevitability.

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你刊登了那篇关于恐怖袭击的文章了吗?Did you read the article about the terrorist attack?

美国认为哥伦比亚武装革命力量是一个恐怖组织。The U.S. considers the FARC a terrorist organization.

你是反俄的恐怖分子支持者。Youare just another anti-Russian terrorist supporter.

恐怖分子向孩子的父母勒索钱财。The terrorist demanded money from the child's parents.

1989年,拉吉夫被一名泰米尔女性恐怖分子暗杀。He was assassinated in 1989 by a female Tamil terrorist.

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他被认出叫穆罕默德?阿里?阿克查,是个土耳其恐怖主义者。He was identified as Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish terrorist.

比尔特认定事件性质为恐怖袭击。Bildt identified nature of the incident a terrorist attack.

“晓”是一个恐怖组织,它由十人组成。Akatsuki is a Terrorist organization, composed by ten people.