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触摸我,相信我,为每一次美妙的感觉而悸动Touch me, trust me savour each sensation!

体会早期电视先锋们的过失。Savour the stupidities of earlier TV pioneers.

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还有一场是值得回味的6比0狂胜托特纳姆热刺。There was also a 6-0 win at Tottenham to savour.

锅中滋滋作响的油听起来可尝个过瘾。Oil sizzling in the pan sounds exciting to savour.

这家旅馆的房间里有股蟑螂的味道。The rooms in this hotel savour of a whiff of roach.

要想充分体验这种酒的醇美,你需要慢慢地去品尝。You need to savour this wine to get its full flavor.

要想充分体验这种酒的醇美,你需要慢慢地去品尝。You need to savour this wine to get its full flavour.

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丰饶浓郁的土司芬芳与焦糖、香草气息交织融合。Savour warm, rich aromas of toast, caramel and vanilla.

我需要很好地回味一下现在,因为这次胜利对我来说是很大的。I want to savour the moment because it's a big victory for me.

这些原因足以让我们去找出并品味简单的快乐。These are reasons enough to seek out and savour simple pleasures.

离开球场之后,法国人回忆着这个夜晚,感慨万千。As he left the stadium, the Frenchman reflected on a night to savour.

创立于1964年的品酒汇,隶属法国MAAF集团旗下。Savour Club, which created in 1964, is a subsidiary of the group MAAF.

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爱尔多安和卢拉可能好景不长。Messrs Erdogan and Lula may not have long to savour their achievements.

另一方面,花时间品味性爱也会使你感觉很满足。On the other hand, taking the time to savour sex can be very fulfilling.

还不曾享受生活的甘甜,不曾品味人间的温暖。She has never yet enjoyed sweet of life, never savour warm of the world.

客人可以在这里的温泉浴场享受各种保健、美容服务。Savour a massage at the spa or enjoy a game of tennis on one of 9 courts.

面包的气味最香,食盐的滋味最鲜,少年的爱最纯。The best smell is bread, the best savour salt, the best love that of yong.

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您可以在餐厅用餐或是在海畔餐厅享用美食。Dine in the on-site restaurant or savour a meal at the beachside restaurant.

面包的气味最香,食盐的滋味最鲜,儿童的爱最纯。The best smell is bread, the best savour salt, the best love that of children.

这一周的时间给了John欣赏这两强间竞争的机会。And this week brought a moment to savour for Derkach in the battle between the two.