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铁艺大门。Iron gate.

6号登机门在哪儿?Where is gate six?

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一道对着花园的铁栏门。A gate on a garden.

在金门公园?In Golden Gate Park?

四路2输入或门。Quad 2-input OR gate.

我该去几号登机门?。Which gate do I need?

大门哐啷一声打开了。The gate clanked open.

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登机门怎么走?Which way to the gate?

门掩黄昏,无计留春住。At dusk I bar the gate.

在花园老旧的门上。On the old garden gate.

大门吱吱哑哑地打开了。The gate scrooped open.

他已把这扇大门漆过。He has painted the gate.

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它在冥府的大门口喘息。Who wheezes at the gate.

这扇大门是用铁做成的。The gate is made of iron.

海利站在门口怒容满面。They held up at the gate.

门泊东吴万里船。Gate Park Wu million boat.

龙坡邦佛寺的后门。Luang Prabang temple gate.

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一出南门走六步。South Gate walk six steps.

东门之池、可以沤菅。The moat at the east gate.

不知天上宫阙。Don't know sky palace gate.