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你说话挺象我妈妈。You sound like my mum.

妈妈,我好想你呀!Mum I miss you very much!

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我妈给了我这张清单。My mum gave me this list.

妈妈和爸爸面面相觑。Mum and Dad exchanged glances.

它不认识毕比的妈妈。She doesn't know BeeBee's mum.

妈妈,我可以玩电脑游戏吗?Mum. Can I play computer games?

妈为了一件风衣在杀价。Mum bargained for a windbreaker.

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我在外头,母亲在里头。Mum inside of it and me outside.

当然可以。噢,它是一个吹风机,妈妈。Sure. Oh, it's a hairdryer, Mum.

她和店员讨价还价,但那位店员不为所动,把我妈气个半死。Mum haggled with the sales woman.

妈妈正在为下午茶煮咖啡。Mum is making coffee for the tea.

快进来,鲍勃。妈妈正在叫你呢。Hurry in, Bob. Mum is calling you.

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我妈妈每天给我妹妹洗澡。My mum bathes my sister every day.

我可以摘一些紫罗兰给我妈妈吗?Can I pick some violets for my mum?

裘裘不见了!爸爸和妈妈急得到处找裘裘。Mum and Dad went looking for Jo-Jo.

青年招待所协会。Mum. The Youth Hostels Association.

妈妈,我可以喝一些凉水吗?Mum , can I have some water, please?

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妈,看那件漂亮的裘皮大衣。Sueook at that lovely fur coat, mum.

阿姨,你看,我妈妈让我送来的。Aunt, look, my mum asked me send you.

宝宝,我爱你!永远爱你的妈妈!Baby Yuyu, i love you very much! Mum.