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他的嘴唇被小胡子遮盖住了。His lips are roofed by a moustache.

小屋上面用干草盖上了屋顶。The shed was roofed with dried straw.

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国王叫他设计一座屋顶是拱形的宫殿。The king asked him to design a palace roofed with an arch.

游泳池将于今年十月加盖屋顶。The swimming pool will be roofed over in October this year.

在里面无比的大,有很高蟠龙藻井与须弥山雕像的假山。Inside the amazingly spacious, high roofed hall is a sculpture of Mount Sumeru.

城墙用铜包裹,城墙上的了望塔则以黄铜铸顶。The walls are cased with copper, and the watch-towers on the walls are roofed with brass.

通过灰姑娘式的玻璃顶棚观赏外面美景,能避免你颈部疲劳。Cinderella-type glass roofed carriages help prevent neck strain from all that landscape ogling.

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客房宽大、舒适,空气新鲜,有宽敞带顶的阳台,间间面向大海。Rooms are commodious, comfortable and airy, each with a specious roofed balcony overlooking the sea.

宅院中既有陕北常见的窑洞,也有关中农村的瓦房。Common house in both the caves of northern Shaanxi, also on the tile- roofed house in the rural areas.

成排的库房用带褶皱的铁皮或者陶瓦做顶,立在早已堵塞的下水道前。Rows of squat warehouses roofed in corrugated steel or terra-cotta tile front sewage-choked waterways.

其上以香柏木为盖,每行柱子十五根,共有四十五根。It was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the columns-forty-five beams, fifteen to a row.

阿特拉店家色彩鲜艳的店面和以茅草盖顶的小屋是典型爱尔兰村庄的特色。Oughterard's brightly colored storefronts and thatch- roofed cottages are perfect examples of an Irish village.

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杰尼索夫和罗斯托夫住在士兵替他们挖掘的土窑里,土窑覆盖有树枝和草皮。Denisov and Rostov were living in a mud hut dug out by the soldiers for them, and roofed with branches and turf.

该实用公式可直接供单体四坡屋面房屋抗风设计参考和应用。These practical formulae can be directly applicable to the wind resistance design of single hip roofed buildings.

我们时而路过一所沼地里的小房,墙和屋顶都是用石料砌成的,墙上也没有蔓藤掩饰它那粗糙的轮廓。Now and then we passed a moorland cottage, walled and roofed with stone, with no creeper to break its harsh outline.

丹佛国际机场的特色就是航站的屋顶是用钢杆撑起的白色薄膜。The Denver International Airport features a terminal building roofed by a white membrane stretched from steel masts.

庭院内将超过在屋顶的高度,第二个故事,以便创造一个封闭的室内空间。The inner courtyard will be roofed over at the height of the second story so as to create an enclosed interior space.

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该投保住宅地点是由砖、石或三合土建成,屋顶用三合土、瓦砖或其他不能燃烧的物料盖搭。The insured situation is built of brick stone concrete and is roofed with concrete, slate tile or other incombustible material.

该投保住宅地点是由砖、石或三合土建成,屋顶用三合土、瓦砖或其他不能燃烧的物料盖塔。The insured situation is built of brick stone concrete and is roofed with concrete, slate tile or other incombustible material.

结果表明,该实用公式简便准确,可直接供四坡屋面房屋抗风设计参考和应用。It demonstrates that the proposed formulas are accurate and directly applicable to wind resistant design of hip roofed buildings.