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有几个街头演说者在室外音乐台边上试讲。A few soapbox orators are tuning up near the bandstand.

而其他开发人员会轮流站上临时讲台。And other developers will be taking their turns on the Soapbox.

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所以,综上所述,让我开始我的演讲,并且请记住这个。So, with that said let me hop off the soapbox and remind us of this.

暮色降临在新罕布什尔州的一个老头到他肥皂盒攀升。Twilight descends in new Hampshire as an old man climbs onto his soapbox.

计划无法发挥功效,重点就从舞台转变为街头演说台。The plan did not work and the emphasis switched from stage set to soapbox.

的确,对于特定的一代人来说,博客成了他们通过虚拟平台表达意见的首选。It’s true that to a certain generation, blogging became the virtual soapbox of choice.

反对临时演讲台的观点貌似是反对大使命。To argue against the Soapbox position appears to be arguing against the Great Commission.�

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如果你在生活中认同“战略性临时演说台”的模型,你就重新定义了自己的工作描述。If you adopt this Strategic Soapbox model for your life, you redefine your job description.�

那些对工作和生活持有“临时演说台”观点的基督徒,他们的世界观基于大使命。Those who hold the Soapbox view of work and life base their worldview on the Great Commission.�

在肥皂盒经过流水线诗,空盒被吹出了流水线,就这么简单。He switched the fan on, and as each soapbox passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes out of the line.

如果非要说工作有什么价值的话,仅仅是满足生存的需要或者工作场所可以作为战略上的临时演说台来接触非信徒。If it has any value at all, it is only to meet survival needs or as a strategic soapbox to evangelize non-believers.

一家公司,日本最大的化妆品公司之一,收到了一份投诉,一个顾客买的一盒肥皂,盒子里面是空的。One of Japan's biggest cosmetics companies received a complaint that a consumer had bought a soapbox that was empty.

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半岛为长期被国营媒体边缘化的意见提供了发言的平台,对该地区影响深远。Al Jazeera shook up the region by providing an electronic soapbox for voices long marginalized by state-run broadcasters.

第一个节目是小猴骑自行车,只见小猴飞快的骑着自行车绕着表演台转圈圈,还不时朝我们东张西望。The first program is little monkey ride bicycle, see little monkey quickly riding a bike around the soapbox turn circle, and now and then dart towards us.

但是很高兴你已经意识到海豚是另一宇宙的神仙。While I’m really glad that you’ve just realized that Dolphins are gods from another universe, it would be really great if you got down off the soapbox once in a while.