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新铁路线将铺在地面上。The new railway line will run overground.

我必须加倍努力,因为我还活着。I must redouble my effort, for I am still overground.

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当根渐渐成了地下的树,树也就成了地上的根。When the roots become trees underground, the trees are also roots overground.

目的对川白芷地上部分的组织学特征进行系统研究。Objective To study histological characters of the overground parts of Chuanbaizhi.

公共汽车线路和地上地下路轨都在该站交汇。Bus routes and railways, both overground and underground, converged on the station.

架空的楼板偏向学校院落,也借用中庭建筑的独特形式。A shift of the overground floors towards the school yard lends this atrium building its unique form.

上海静安寺广场综合体——地下与地上空间整合,园林与建筑整合。Jin' an Temple Square Complex, Shanghai-the integrations of underground and overground spaces, landscape and architecture.

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该建筑楼体的地上部分与地下部分依靠设在隔振层的隔振垫相连。The overground and underground parts of the building are joined by vibration isolator set in the vibration isolating floor.

本工程为埃及经商处总合楼,地下一层,地上五层。This project is the general building for Egyptian business department, including one underground floor and five overground floors.

为试验材料,研究了不同施氮量对香青兰生长发育、地上部干草产量及挥发油含量的影响。The effects of nitrogen fertilizer at different levels on the growth, the overground yield and content of essential oil with the wild Dracocephalum moldavica L.

水分相对缺乏时,施用保水剂可增加鬼针草的地上部分鲜重和干物质积累量。When water was relatively lack, applying water-retaining agent could increase the fresh weight of the overground part and dry matter accumulation in B. bipinnata.

虽然沉管隧道作为地下结构,其抗震性能远远好于上部结构,但是大量的震害实例表明,其也是有可能破坏的。As a buried structure, the aseismatic ability of immersed tunnels is much better than overground structure, but a large number of examples show it can also be destroyed.

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介绍了一个新型地下恒温发酵室,地上为糖化、制冷设备的自酿啤酒发酵系统。A new type fermentation system of constant temperature was designed in underground constant temperature proving room. The equipment saccharification and refrigeration was overground.

结论野连地上器官含有较高的总生物碱和小檗碱,对濒危植物的组织培养及保护提供理论指导。ConclusionThe comparatively high contents in total alkaloid and berberine in the overground organs of Coptis omeiensis may provide guidance for tissue culture and resource protection.

介绍了膏状浓缩机的研制、特征及应用范围,利用该机可生成膏状尾矿并能实现地面堆放。The development, properties and application of thickener producing pasted tailings are introduced. By means of the thickener, the overground stockpiling of pasted tailings is practicable.

丹参地上部分的生长在前期处于快速增长趋势,之后随着丹参地上部分枝叶的枯萎,鲜重开始下降。The growth of overground part of Salvia miltiorrhiza show the trend of rapid growth in the early stage, with the branches and leaves of Salvia miltiorrhiza withered, fresh weight begin to drop.

河南是文物大省,全省地上文物资源总量在全国各省排名第二,地下文物资源总量则排名第一。It is a province rich in cultural relics, whose amount of overground cultural relics ranks second and that of underground cultural relics ranks first of all China's provincial administerial units.