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对于其意义理解的关键在构建反事实思维。To understand the meaning is to construct the counterfactual thought.

反事实表达是科学思考、道德行为的基础。Counterfactual statements are the building blocks of scientific thought and moral behavior.

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构建虚拟模型的技巧是言语者的语用能力的一部分。The skill of creating counterfactual models is one of the parameters of pragmatic competence.

反事实思维是个体对不真实的条件或可能性进行替换的一种思维过程。Counterfactual thinking is mental representations of alternatives to the past to the individual.

他的疯癫的反现实的艺术比从可靠的来源得来的平凡的有威严的消息更能引起我们的兴趣。His lunatic counterfactual art is more appealing than the banal awfulness of the Reliable Sources.

第四章着重评析了反事实条件句的定义、逻辑性质及真值定义。The last chapter clarified definition . logic character and truth definition of counterfactual conditionals.

在实际的历史写作中,部分历史学家运用反事实的方法,探究历史上的可能之事。Some historians, in historical practice, apply counterfactual method to inquire something possible in history.

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本研究旨在调查中国大学生对英语非真实条件句的习得情况。The present study aims to investigate the acquisition of English counterfactual conditionals by Chinese learners.

其次,反事实条件句的结构、语法与语义的特征在英语中很有代表性。And then, the structural, grammatical and semantic features of counterfactual conditionals are typical in English.

反事实思维是指个体对过去事件加以心理否定并构建出一种可能性假设的思维活动。Counterfactual thinking is a thinking activity of denying past events and meanwhile generating a possible hypothesis.

结果,特殊的贝叶斯网络还可以处理因果关系和反事实关系。Special versions of Bayesian networks, as it turned out , can manage causal and counterfactual relationships as well.

其中使做这样一种违反现实的论证更容易的事情是他们有太多的研究结果是支持他们的观点。One of the things that makes it easy to make such counterfactual arguments is that there are often studies to back them up.

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它的形成过程可分为激发阶段和内容形成阶段,其功能有情绪功能和准备功能等。Counterfactual thinking is formed in two stages, i. e. activation stage and content stage, and has emotional and preparatory functions.

莱文在书的前言中提出一个反事实的历史,一个有包括美国在内的国际联盟的历史。In the preface to her book, Levin suggests a counterfactual history, a history with a League of Nations that included the United States.

首先,要说全球刺激政策失效,就必须设想完全没有财政刺激政策情况下的现实会怎么样。First, in order to say that the global stimulus policy has failed, it is necessary to consider the counterfactual of no fiscal stimulus at all.

在某些夸张言语中,讲话人通过设置虚拟参照点的方法来传递他关于目标点的命题含义。In some hyperboles, statements that concern a counterfactual reference point of the pragmatic scale implicate propositions about the target point.

其中,语境和否定是出现频率最高的两个因素,而百科知识和语境则是达成违实义的最可及因素。Among them, context and negation have the highest frequencies, while common knowledge and context are the most accessible factors for counterfactual meaning.

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这些本该改变结果的“如果”都是假设思维的例子,但他们反映了两种截然不同的态度。These "If only" statements on what might have altered your outcome are all examples of counterfactual thinking, but they reflect two very different attitudes.

同时,它也为研究反事实条件句提供了一个新的视角,为进一步的研究提供了一个切入点。Meanwhile, it provided a new perspective for the study of counterfactual conditionals and also it is a starting-pointing for the further research in this field.

同时,该框架部分地解释了长期存在于实验研究与现场研究中的假设思维所表现出的差异。On the other hand, this framework also partly explains the long-lasting differences between scenario experiment and field research on regret and counterfactual thinking.