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第一章,法庭之友制度的历史回顾。Chapter One reviews the history of Amicus Curiae.

法庭之友就是在与真实发现的扩充与限制中发展与兴盛起来的。Amicus Curiae develop and thrive with the expansion and limitations of fact-finding.

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非政府组织当前在争端解决程序的介入以法庭之友的身份。Currently, NGOs enter into the judicial procedure of the WTO through"Amicus Curiae".

第二章,NAFTA投资争端解决机制中的法庭之友。Chapter Two focus on the Amicus Curiae in NAFTA investment dispute settlement mechanism.

法庭之友起源于罗马法,原本为“法庭的朋友”,以中立的立场为法庭提供帮助。The Amicus Curiae originated from Roman law, and it supported the court as a neutral party at that time.

同时,将公益诉讼制度和“法院之友”制度引入宏观调控诉讼中有着重大的意义。The introductions of public interest litigation and amicus curiae of macroeconomic regulation sue have a great significance.

第二章旨在分析上诉机构关于法庭之友事项解释的合法性。Chapter two carries out a research on the legitimacy of the interpretation of the Appellate Body about the Amicus Curiae briefs.

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美国“法庭之友”制度的盛行,为心理学家直接介入具体的诉讼案件提供了法律途径。The prevalence of amicus curiae in U. S. provides a lawful approach for psychologists to directly intervene with specific lawsuits.

第三章,NAFTA投资争端解决机制中引入法庭之友的价值分析及现存问题。Chapter Three analyzes the value of producing Amicus Curiae into NAFTA investment dispute settlement mechanism and the present problems.

WTO争端解决机制中法庭之友的实践在一定程度上就受到了美国的影响。The experience of the United States influenced the WTO dispute settlement system when the issue of the Amicus Curiae briefs is concerning.

法庭之友实践在美国得到较大的发展,并且由美国联邦最高法院制定了一套指导规则。In the United States, under the principle of "judicial economy" the Supreme Court adopted a set of rules on submission of Amicus Curiae briefs.

我国的“专家法律意见书”有违程序正义理念,应在借鉴“法庭之友”制度合理内核的基础上,建立专家咨询制度。We should draw lesson from "amicus curiae" and establish the institution of consulting the expert, in order to promote the communication between the theory and the practice.

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法庭之友极大地扩充了法官发现案件真实的制度空间,同时,法庭之友与特定的证据制度的结合又可能阻碍案件真实的发现。Amicus curiae greatly expand the abilities of the judges who find the real case, while the system with a specific combination of evidence system may prevent the discovery of the case fact.

法庭之友“是WTO争端解决机制中争议得激烈的话题之一,专家组及上诉机构将”法庭之友“的陈述作为”寻求信息的来源这种做法引起了争议。The Amicus Curiae has become one of the most heated discuss topics in the DSU for the expert group and the appellate body treat the statement of Amicus Curiae as the source of seeking information.