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短时间超时与快速重试Short timeouts and quick retries

使用积极地超时策略斩断长尾Use aggressive timeouts to cut off the long tail.

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设计有超时限制的并发阻塞队列Designing a concurrent blocking queue with timeouts

在忙碌的服务器上出现信号量超时是很常见的。It is common for semaphore timeouts to occur on a busy server.

超时更少意味着发送方要保持一个均值更大的窗口。Fewer timeouts means the sender maintained a larger window on average.

就像他们来观看的球队一样,排队购票的球迷们也有暂停的时候。Like the teams they had come to watch, the fans in line took timeouts.

解决方案必须避免会话锁超时和长时间等待锁。The solution must avoid session lock timeouts and long wait for locks.

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注意,信号量超时并不一定表示性能问题。Note that semaphore timeouts do not always indicate a performance problem.

在非功能性解决方案设计中,一个往往被忽视的方面就是超时。One often overlooked aspect of non-functional solution design is timeouts.

篮球赛中的休息给重组队员和替换队员提供了机会。In basketball timeouts provide an opportunity to regroup and substitute players.

如果预料不会超时,则引发异常可能是一种更好的选择。If timeouts are not expected, then throwing an exception might be a better choice.

一个信号线程处理警报并在闲置时间过长的连接上强制执行超时。A signal thread handles alarms and forces timeouts on connections that have been idle too long.

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这就带来了更多将超时定义为其更高级别的功能的一部分的方法。This introduces yet even more ways of defining timeouts as part of their higher level function.

可以使用超时来约束和控制阻塞工作线程的时间量。Timeouts can serve as a constraint and control the amount of time the worker thread is blocked.

这里现已入夜,我将会在明天修复这个问题,同时也会修复标记为过期的任务。Since it's already late night here, I'll fix that tomorrow, together with the WUs marked as timeouts.

这些限定符还允许您指定消息的可靠性、请求和响应超时。These qualifiers also let you specify the reliability of the message, request, and response timeouts.

该设置帮助服务器顺利地完成自举,在自举阶段不存在连接超时。This setting helps the server ramp up smoothly, without having connection timeouts during the ramp-up phase.

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上述示例仅仅是触及了超时的表层,展示了所有解决方案中普遍存在的超时。The examples above merely scratch the surface on timeouts, which shows how ubiquitous timeouts are in any solution.

锁升级、锁超时和死锁将表明系统或应用程序中存在某些潜在问题。The lock escalations, lock timeouts and deadlocks will indicate some potential problems in your system or application.

那才是暂停的用途。那是教练用来作指导的时间,是的,让球员不要轻易漏掉自己防的人。That is what timeouts are for. They are a time to instruct, to coach, and, yes, to call out a guy for not defending his man.