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在萨路斯特迷宫似的洞穴中,拥有这种感觉很有必要。This sense is a necessity in the labyrinthine caves of Sullust.

而那些注册的公司则发现那些文书像迷宫一样让人困惑。Those that register find the paperwork labyrinthine and confusing.

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这部如同笼罩在迷宫里的电影并没有按观众预期的那样发展下去。The film is labyrinthine and deceptive, and not in a way we anticipate.

他在现代文学错综复杂的冷僻领域无助地徘徊着。He wandered helplessly through the labyrinthine byways of modern literature.

他在错综复杂的现代文学冷僻部份无助地徘徊着。He wandered helplessly through the labyrinthine by ways of modern literature.

小迷路血管痉挛能引起眩晕和听力丧失。Spasm of the small labyrinthine vessels can give rise to vertigo and hearing loss.

外地人很容易在纽约地铁如迷宫般的人行地道里迷路。Out-of-towners may easily lose their way in New York City's labyrinthine subway passages.

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现在,已是三个孩子父亲的他受雇于Varella,指引队伍穿过如迷宫一般的丛林。Now the father of three is employed to guide Varella's team through the labyrinthine jungle.

孩子们喜欢跑下,探索所有的房间,大厅和迷宫的通道。The kids enjoyed running up and down, exploring all the rooms, halls and labyrinthine passages.

此病的病理变化的实质是膜迷路积水。The pathological entity of the disease is hydrocele of the membranous labyrinthine of the cochlea.

目的探讨迷路震荡的法医临床学鉴定的有关问题。Objective To explore some problems of clinical forensic medical expertise on labyrinthine concussion.

另一个让大家长不大的原因是我们的劳动力市场越来越不知所云。Another factor in the lengthening of the road to adulthood is our increasingly labyrinthine labor market.

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迷宫般的幽暗城位于被诅咒的提瑞斯法林地之下,是一个向四周扩展的邪恶要塞。Situated deep beneath the cursed Tirisfal Glades , the labyrinthine Undercity is a sprawling bastion of evil.

然而直到现在,这些贴评论的人才从曲折迷离的英国司法梦魇中睁开眼来。Only now have the people who posted these comments emerged blinking from the labyrinthine nightmare of English law.

伊斯兰教法系统犹如迷宫一般晦涩难行,但在一场漫长而艰苦的战斗之后,2008年,泰勒终于赢得了纳迪娅的完全监护权。After a long and difficult battle in the labyrinthine sharia legal system, Taylor won full custody of Nadia in 2008.

但是这些改变在中国曲折复杂的官僚体制下,行进得非常慢,并且高考在短期内并不存在被取消的危险。But changes in China's labyrinthine bureaucracy move slowly, and the test is in no danger of disappearing anytime soon.

东湖首席开在一栋迷宫一样的老房子里,屋顶有佛教雕刻。Dong Hu Shou Xi is set in an old, labyrinthine house, with the curved roof that Buddhists believe wards off evil spirits.

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在这里迷路的机会太多了,蒙马特尔阴渠是古老管网中最复杂的迷宫之一。There opportunities of losing oneself abound. The Montmartre sewer is one of the most labyrinthine of the ancient network.

在这些情况下,民众可以利用一位当地的专家来帮助他们进入这如迷宫般的美国健康保险系统。In any of these cases, people could do with a local expert to help them navigate the labyrinthine American health-care system.

简单地整治一下印度迷宫般的食品市场就有助于改善许多陷入困境的家庭。Simply integrating India's labyrinthine food markets would improve the lives of hundreds of millions of struggling households.