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你会抛弃我,放狗追逐我。You'll repeal me, set dogs on me.

我会废除奥巴马健保法。I would repeal Obama-care, " he said."

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许多人投票赞成废止那项财产法。Many voted for the repeal of that property law.

撤销禁酒令的结果是最立竿见影和最传奇的。The results from repeal were both immediate and amazing.

议会中的共和党领导试图彻底废除该法案。Republican leaders in Congress are trying to repeal the law outright.

为什么放任自由主义者想要去撤销针对两相情愿的成年人在性行为方面的规定?Why do libertarians want to repeal regulations on sex by consenting adults?

作为美国总统,必须撤销奥巴马医疗法,否则我决不罢休“。As president of the United States I will not rest until I repeal 'Obamacare'.

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它们通常是一纸空文,然而废除它们的努力却被强有力地抵制着。Mostly they are dead letters, yet efforts to repeal them are resisted vigorously.

教师们采取了巧妙的战术,请出州众议员奥德.马多克斯发起一个废除教师考试的法案。In a clever move, the teachers got Representative Ode Maddox to sponsor the repeal.

在全世界,禁毒和废止或者改变政策现在已经成为辩论的话题。All over the world, drug prohibition and its repeal or reform is now a matter of debate.

美国当选总统川普在竞选期间,多次誓言要废除奥巴马医改。President-elect Donald Trump repeatedly vowed to repeal Obamacare on the campaign trail.

正因为这个原因,决定废除DADT是件好事才具有争议性。Precisely for that reason, it could be argued, the decision to repeal DADT is a good one.

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国会也有关于废止抑或是服从环境保护机构管理温室气体权力的行动。There are moves in Congress to repeal or defer the EPA’s power to regulate greenhouse gases.

人权组织长期呼吁后任政府废除或者修改这些法律。Human rights groups have long appealed to successive government to repeal or amend these laws.

全国各地都组织了“撤销日”聚会以庆祝这个同性恋权利的又一胜利。"Repeal Day" parties have been organised across the country to mark the victory for gay rights.

说他将废除婚姻保护法案,但曾投票反对联邦婚姻修正案。Says he would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment.

而在1979年国会通过了一份法案,废除了财政部扣押私人所持黄金的权力。In 1979, a bill to repeal the Treasury's power to seize privatelyheld gold was passed by the House.

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众议院民主党人之一丹俄克拉荷马博伦已经说他是“倾向支持废除。”One House Democrat, Dan Boren of Oklahoma, has already said he is "inclined to support the repeal."

而在有些州,将区并入城镇的努力也经历了通过与废除相互交织的多舛命运。In some states, the centralization of districts into towns went through waves of passage and repeal.

拔除令的撑持者说,此事针对的是违反宪法的法令,而非堕胎权或怙恃知情权。Repeal supporters said the issue was about an unconstitutional law, not abortion or parental rights.