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这就是她做的,她过分严谨。Here is what she did. She was fastidious.

帕克会有时间如此精益求精吗?Will Parker have time to be so fastidious?

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我们的标准是满足最挑剔的终端用户。Our standard is to meet the most fastidious end user.

然而,该研究的参数却是难以服众的。However, the study wasn't fastidious in its parameters.

的面孔上的表情是一种隐隐的不安。The lines of his fastidious face showed a vague disquietude.

她是这样一个挑剔的和微妙的,但也是一位伟大的音乐家。She's such a fastidious and delicate one but also a great musician.

测试设计中的字体显示效果有时候是一件吹毛求疵的行为。Testing how fonts will renders on your design is sometimes a fastidious operation.

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而更好的卫生习惯也极大阻碍了疾病的传播。More fastidious hygiene has also been important for stemming the spread of disease.

杨曼莉很有洁癖,考究起来让郝京妮真的受不了!YangManLi very have cleanliness, fastidious up let hao Beijing ni really can't stand!

而在宝咏面前,王励就是一个偶尔有起床气的挑剔老板。However, to Baoyong, Wang Li is a fastidious boss occasionally with morning temperament.

选材考究是明式家具的另一个突出特点。Select material fastidious is another of bright type furniture outstanding characteristic.

如果那样做的话,高层主管们便很容易被不太计较薪酬的公司挖墙脚。If it does, its top executives will be vulnerable to poaching by less fastidious companies.

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尽管她天性挑剔,胆怯,却不曾意识到两人的交往会有什么危险.于是便微妙地不自觉地向他靠拢,越靠越近。Herself fastidious and timid, she never awakened to the perilous trend of their intercourse.

湖南凤凰人在饮食方面十分讲究精粹,注重色香味全。The delicacies of Phoenix in Hunan are fastidious about color, flavor, and taste as a whole.

卡佩罗对穿着甚为挑剔,但他瞧不起翻口短袜却着实吊诡。Fabio Capello is fastidious about what he wears but his contempt for the ankle sock is strange.

双绞线在各种设备之间的接法也非常有讲究。The twisted pair line also extremely has between each kind of equipment connection is fastidious.

营养比营养肉汤更丰富,常做为肉汤基础,配制培养苛养菌的培养基。A nutritious medium suitable for the cultivation of fastidious pathogens and other micro-organisms.

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搬场公司是讲究技术的运输,我们的优势就是工人。Convey Field Company is fastidious about the technical transportation, our predominance is the labor.

因此,茶是凡间纯洁的象征,在采制烹煮的手续中,都须十分清洁。Tea is then symbolic of earthly purity, requiring the most fastidious cleanliness in its preparation.

博尔德伍德从来没这样挑剔过,对式样也从来没这样不通情达理过,总之,很难使他满意。Never had Boldwood been so fastidious , unreasonable about the fit, and generally difficult to please.