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割走你要的那一磅肉吧!Take your pound of flesh!

茶叶按磅出售。Tea is sold by the pound.

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再来一磅绞肉。And a pound of mince, too.

我还要一磅肉糜。Bnd a pound of mince, too.

一磅等于16英两。A pound contains 16 ounces.

糖渍葡萄一斤。A pound of sugared raisins.

庞德先生是欣然同意的。Mr. Pound is quite agreeable.

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他们按磅卖糖。They sell sugar by the pound.

这已提振英镑。This has supported the pound.

这个九角九分一磅。It's ninety-nine cents a pound.

一百便士为一镑。A hundred pence makes one pound.

安娜偶然找到了一条通往池塘的小路。Anna hit on a path to the pound.

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铁是10美分一磅。Steel is about 10 cents a pound.

现今一英镑不经一用。A pound doesn't go far these days.

庞德是杂志的发起人之一。Pound was one of the contributors.

她买了一磅绞碎的牛肉。She bought a pound of ground beef.

她付给他一英镑作为匡助的报答。She gave him a pound for his help.

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一万英镑是一大笔钱。Ten thousand pound is a large sum.

把这些走失的牛关进待领场,这样它们就不会乱跑了。Pound the cows so they don't stray.

农民们在臼中舂米。The farmers pound rice in a mortar.