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接着上帝又加上一点‘但是你的妻子将会是个驼背。’Then the Lord added, 'But your wife will be humpbacked.

接着,上帝又补充说'不过,你的妻子会是一个驼背。'。Then the Lord added, ' But your wife will be humpbacked.

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接着,上帝又补充说‘不过,你的妻子会是一个。Then the Lord added, 'But your wife will be humpbacked. '

身材很瘦,高颧骨,凸鼻子,薄嘴唇。He is skinny, with hollow cheeks, humpbacked nose and thin lips.

我当场就叫了出来,‘哦!上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。Right then and there I called out, 'Oh Load, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy.

于是我叫道,‘噢,上帝啊,一个驼背的女人将会是一个悲剧。Right then and there I called out, 'Oh Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy.

当时当场,我就叫喊着‘哦!上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。Right then and there I called out, ' Oh Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy.

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我当场就叫了出来“哦”。上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。Right then and there I called out, "Oh" Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy.

在南斯拉夫的波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国的莫斯塔尔市,一座如新月般的石砌弓形桥横跨了聂雷托巴河。A crescent in stone, the humpbacked bridge at Mostar spans the Neretva River in Yugoslavia's Bosnia-Hercegovina Republic.

人到中年的他,本已驼的背,经过一年多的监狱生活,弯得更厉害了。Having been detained for more than 16 months in American prison, the middle-aged and humpbacked Alex is now bending more.

她丑陋外表和猥琐的罗锅除了是天造之合以外,更多的则是想让罗锅帮助她自己抚养两个幼嫩未成年的女儿。Her ugly appearance and wretched humpbacked addition is a perfect match, more it is to let the hunchback helps her raising two young teenage daughter.