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丹尼斯•林登想要惊声尖叫。Dennis Linden wanted to scream.

银叶椴种子的休眠原因。Resting reason of silver linden seed.

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“我们也不会有浪漫的爱情,”林登说。"We wouldn't have love, " Linden says.

椴树的树影投身在草坪上。The lawn was shadowed by a linden tree.

对此你可有证据,林登先生?You have any proof of this, Mr. Linden?

所以菩提树货币在现实中损失了金钱。So Linden Lab lost money in the real world.

北京东方灵盾科技有限公司。Beijing East Linden Science & Technology Co. Ltd.

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还会向它们的邻居泄漏信息,”林登说。They leak signals to their neighbors, " Linden says.

银叶椴种子属于综合性深休眠类型。Silver linden seed belongs to all-around deep dormancy.

和丹尼斯•林登明白他所有的恐惧都是真实的。And Dennis Linden understood that all his fears were true.

但是这个乌托邦只是会受到到菩提树实验室研究结果的限制。But this utopia extends only to the borders of Linden Lab.

请问您可以告诉我怎样去林登街吗?Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?

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艾林琳访问了几位美国专家,听听他们对未来的期望。Linden Ellis asked a group of experts what to expect next.

我去林登街。你能提醒我到站下车吗?I'm going to Linden Street. Can you tell me when to get off ?

高档商店再次在著名的菩提树下大道开张。Upscale shops once again line the famous avenue Unter den Linden.

在菩提树下,佛祖端坐中间,神态安详。Under the Linden Tree, Buddha sat up in the middle and appeared calm.

什么什么意思,上班路上拦,下班家门口堵。The meaning of wisdom for wisdom, linden way to work, to work the door Dang.

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那个世界的货币,叫做菩提树货币,能够换取真正的美元。The “local currency”, Linden dollars, can be exchanged for real US currency.

能用来购买东西的新林登元的数量也是能够被调整。The volume of new Linden dollars available for purchase can also be adjusted.

林登一直没有意识到平台的潜在力量,也没有让其操作更加简便。Linden hasn’t been able to realize the potential of the platform or to make it easy.