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资本的帕提亚帝国可以饲料,并刷新了许多人。The capital of the Parthian Empire could feed and refresh many people.

谷歌力挽搜索颓势难舍在华市场欲杀回马枪?Google Search decline regret and regain market Yusha Parthian shot in China?

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然后,美索不达米亚的大部分地区都成为了安息的帕提亚帝国的其中一部分。Most of Mesopotamia then became part of the Parthian Empire of the Arsakides.

帕提亚帝国与罗马共享沿着幼发拉底河上游的边界。The Parthian Empire shared a border with Rome along the upper Euphrates River.

可以肯定的是,在帕提亚国王用Hyrcanian镇作为其夏季官邸。It is certain that the Parthian kings used a Hyrcanian town as their summer residence.

通过帕提亚王国摆脱塞留西统治,巴克特里亚也独立了。Cut off from the Seleucid rule by the Parthian kingdom, Bactria also became independent.

在帕提亚人统治期间,波斯只是大而松散的帝国里的一个省。During Parthian rule, Persia was only one province in a large, loosely controlled empire.

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在帕提亚帝国将持续到224个行政长官,当时成功的Sasanian帝国。The Parthian empire was to last until 224 CE, when it was succeeded by the Sasanian empire.

在帕提亚时期,希腊的文化部分地让位于复兴的波斯文化。During the Parthian period, Hellenistic customs partially gave way to a resurgence of Persian culture.

广义的希腊化国家包括罗马帝国、帕提亚帝国和帕加马等。The Hellenic countries in a broad sense include the Roman Empire, the Parthian Empire and Pergamos, etc.

像许多城市从帕提亚人的年龄,其目的是像一个大车轮被包围的两堵墙。Like many cities from the Parthian age, it was designed like a large wheel and was surrounded by two walls.

后来被亚历山大大帝征服,但是很快波斯人又重新建立起独立的安息、萨珊王朝。Alexander the Great conquered Persia, but soon after Persia regained its independence in the form of the Parthian and Sassanid Empires.

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至于这次会谈,帕提亚人先是在属于罗马人的河岸上与盖乌斯一道就餐,稍后盖乌斯又到敌方的领土上和大王共进晚餐。As for the meeting, first the Parthian dined with Gaius upon the Roman bank, and later Gaius supped with the king on the soil of the enemy.

帕提亚安在马背上的弓箭手被证实可以与罗马军团相配匹。在卡雷的战役中,帕拉亚的将军苏莱纳击败了罗马的克拉苏。Parthian mounted archers proved a match for Roman legions, as in the Battle of Carrhae in which the Parthian General Surena defeated Crassus of Rome.

公众的确认为塞普提米乌斯·赛维鲁发动帕提亚战争的动机是因为他对荣誉的渴求,而实际上并没有开战的必要。XV . It was certainly commonly said that Septimius Severus' motive for the Parthian war was a desire for glory, and that it was not launched out of any necessity.

此外,位于美索不达米亚和叙利亚之间,建于公元前三百年的怕提拉商队中心杜拉-欧普洛斯更是曾以“东方庞贝”著称。Then there are the ruins of Dura-Europos, a Parthian caravan center founded in 300 B.C., halfway between Syria and Mesopotamia and known as the "Pompeii of the East."

中国军队与帕提亚结为联盟,并且在离帕提亚首都泰锡封有几天路程的地方建立了一些保垒,计划要控制这个地区几年。The Chinese army made an alliance with the Parthians and established some forts at a distance of a few days march from the Parthian capital Ctesiphon, planning to hold the region for several years.