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莱奇是个和善的人。Lige was a sociable person.

尽你所能融入社会。Be as sociable as you can be.

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他直到生命最后都很善于交际。He was quite sociable to the end.

梁先生是个很爱交际的人。Mr. Liang is a very sociable person.

今晚我不大想跟人应酬。I'm not feeling very sociable this evening.

假定,他有社交兴趣。Presumably, he had some sociable interests.

艾德勒是一个爽直的、好交际的人。Adler was an outgoing, sociable kind of man.

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他善于交际,交了许多朋友。He was sociable and chummed with many people.

这款软件让米亚变得更加合群了。It's allowed Mia to become much more sociable.

我知道我在很多方面还达不到起码的要求。I'm gonna learn to be more sociable and outgoing.

这是他父亲举办的家庭恳亲会。This is a sociable house party held by his father.

难怪你这么擅长交际。艾力克,你是什么星座的?No wonder you're so sociable. What's your sign, Eric?

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天秤座善于交际,喜欢融合于集体之中。Libra is very sociable and likes being a part of a group.

跟我们一样,猪有梦想,可以看到颜色,他们善于交际。Like us, pigs dream and can see colours. They are sociable.

我觉得与他相比我是多么的热衷于社交啊。It is astonishing how sociable I feel myself compared with him.

属鸡者喜欢被人注意和奉承,属社交型。The rooster likes to be noticed and flattered. They are sociable.

但这里最吸引人的应该是那非正式的社交气氛。But the main attraction might be the informal, sociable atmosphere.

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前者常被看作是一种社交活动,而后者在社交活动上的程度要小得多。The former is often a sociable activity, the latter rather less so.

之后,人们可以去酒吧。这相当有利于交际。and people can yeah, go to the pub afterwards. It's quite sociable.

他可以跟你谈论各种各样的事情。He can talk to you about almost everything. A. sociable B. society C.