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我国稀土元素储量十分丰富,在已探明的稀土储量中,我国仍居第一位。China is rich in lanthanide reserves and still leads the first in the world.

这作用与镧系离子间呈现双峰变化关系。The magnitude of energy transfer presents the double peak effect to lanthanide.

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虽然美国也有镧系元素资源,但是目前尚未开发。While the US does have lanthanide resources, it currently has no working mines.

一种质的银色稀土属金属元素见于铍钇矿独居石和磷钇矿中。A rare earth of the lanthanide series it occurs in gadolinite and monazite and xenotime.

本论文提出一种温和条件下合成纳米镧系金属粉末的方法。In this paper, a new method of preparing nanometric lanthanide metal powders is mentioned.

用热分析和傅里叶变换红外光谱法研究了尼龙6与稀土离子之间的相互作用。Temperature variable FT-IR spectroscopy was applied to study nylon 6- lanthanide salt systems.

在弱酸,40℃的环境中低浓度的稀土硝酸盐的杀菌效果较好。In weak acid 40 ℃ Lanthanide nitrates of low density in environment kill bacterium effect better.

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含镧系元素的结构类似的程序提供了更大的欺骗范围。Similar procedures with structures containing lanthanide elements offered even greater scope for deception.

本文研究了稀土氯化物对碱金属氢化反应的催化作用。The hydrogenation of alkali metals using lanthanide trichloride and naphthalene as catalyst has been studied.

一种软质的银色稀土属元素见于铍钇矿独居石和磷钇矿中。A soft silvery element a rare earth of the lanthanide series it occurs in gadolinite and monazite and xenotime.

二碘化钐是二价稀土试剂中的代表化合物,在有机合成中用途广泛。Samarium diiodide has been found to be a useful divalent lanthanide reagent for a variety of organic reactions.

一种软银色稀土属金属元素见于硅铍钇独居石磷钇中。A soft silvery metallic element a rare earth of the lanthanide series it occurs in gadolinite monazite xenotime.

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稀土氯化物对金属钾的氢化反应不显示催化作用。Lanthanide trichlorides display no catalytic effect on the hydrogenation of potassium in presence of naphthalene.

一种软质的银色稀土属金属元素见于硅铍独居石和磷中。A soft silvery metallic element a rare earth of the lanthanide series it occurs in gadolinite and monazite and xenotime.

一旦镧得到了电子,这一层就会稍稍上升,然后我们向下填一下镧系元素。As soon as lanthanum takes that electron, this level rises ever so slightly, and then we jump down here and fill in the lanthanide.

镧系螯合物已经被广泛应用于高灵敏度的时间分辨荧光免疫分析。Lanthanide chelates have been successfully developed as fluorescence probes and widely used forhighly sensitive time resolved fluoroimmunoassay.

稀土离子具有灵活的几何配位构型,在合适空间配体的作用下可以构筑结构多样的开放框架。Lanthanide ions with flexible coordination geometries are excellent candidates for creating open frameworks by employing suitable space ligands.

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在镧系离子配合物的水溶液中,镧系离子对配体核的核磁共振弛豫速率具有诱导效应。The lanthanide ion has the effect of inducing the NMR relaxation rates of the determined nuclei in its coordination compound in aqueous solution.

根据镧系元素络合物的晶体结构数据确定了单价键长R0的镧系收缩效应,并对已有的键价参数进行了系统的修订。Based on the crystal structure data of the lanthanide complexes, lanthanide contraction of the single valance bond length R0 for Ln-O bond is confirmed.

然而,稀土离子在中性条件下易水解的特性极大地阻碍了稀土配合物对核酸分子识别的研究。However, lanthanide ions are easy to hydrolysis under physiological pH , which makes it difficult to study rare earth complexes nucleic acids selectivity.