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五和九是奇数。Five is an odd number.

七是奇数。Seven is an odd number.

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这名字起得真奇怪。This name sounds so odd.

五和九是奇数。Fivenine are odd numbers.

这个卡尔真是个怪胎。This Cal was an odd bird.

这种类型的男人看起来有点古怪。This one looks a bit odd.

乍一看,这是很奇怪的现象。At first sight, that is odd.

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但这是一个奇怪的陈述。But that is an odd statement.

它永远是个奇数。It's eternally an odd number.

我很奇怪,一直以来就是这样。I was odd. I always have been.

这种东西罩在帽子上,显得太扎眼了。It looks so odd over a bonnet.

我妻女的做法却很怪。My wife does it in an odd way.

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是一个奇数。The number 3 is an odd number.

不过也怪怪的。But it was also very, very odd.

韩佳,这是什么城啊。Han Jia, what an odd city it is!

这是单号座位入口。The entrance is for odd numbers.

文本字符晦涩和缩写。Odd text characters and acronyms.

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一半的时间,得到的结果都是莫名其妙。Half the time I get an odd result.

劳里,劳伦斯,--这名字真怪!Laurie Laurence, what an odd name.

找第二份工作或者做零工。Look for a second job or odd jobs.