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注重训练的针对性与运动员的个体差异。Training should be adapted to the athletes' in dividual differences.

如果母亲是艾滋病病毒感染者,她需要自己做出决定。If the mother is positive, that mother needs to take an in dividual decision.

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并在模糊理论基础上建立学生模型,使之更加个性化和智能化。Student Model, based on fuzzy theory, is more in dividual and more intelligent.

要想拥有和平和欢乐,个人的能量级别必须达到5或6。To experience peace and joy, an in- dividual must raise his energy level to 5 or 6.

在黑麦的研究中,分开的染色体不能作为普遍形态学方法的特征。In the research of secale cereale, dividual chromosome cannot be distinguished by common morphological methods.

设计了一个基于分布式实时渲染、屏拼接显示的多屏渲染系统。This paper designs a multi-screen rendering system based on distributed real-time rendering, dividual output and tiled display.

通过采用分段补焊法来保证铸钢件的质量,降低生产成本。The dividual replenishing weld method is available to enhance the quality of steel castings as well as to reduce the production cost.

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只有那些既有利于社会历史进步和人类主体的利益,同时又对个人或社会集团有意义的价值标准才是合理的、可取的。Only the value standard that profits to social development and human's benefit in dividual and social group is reasonable and recommendable.

方法将78例晚期癌痛病人按疼痛程度分为4级,并制定个体化方案。Methods All 78 cases were divided into 4 groups according to the degree of pain, designed in dividual plan, and step analgesia from weak to strong.

一个决策,不管政府、企业抑或个人做出的,都应该考虑将来的情形多于目前的情形。Any decision-whether made by government, by a corporation, or by an in dividual person-must take into account future conditions more than present conditions.

一个决策,不管政府、企业抑或个人做出的,都应该考虑将来的情形多于目前的情形。Any decision-whether made by government, by a corporation, or by an in dividual person-must takesintosaccount future conditions more than present conditions.

各单机均布在机架上组成一条合理的流水生产线,只要投入原料,即刻可得到优质的油脂理想的机榨饼。Each dividual machine is equidistribuited on the frame forming a reasonable flowing working line, so fine oil-seeds and ideal pressed cake can be obtained so long as raw materials are put in.