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他说,最后多数毯子被送往卢安达和库德斯坦。Much of it, he said, ended up in Rwanda and Kurdistan.

我们在伊朗库尔德斯坦一个镇上的同一所学校任教。We taught in the same school in a town in Iranian Kurdistan.

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伊拉克的库尔德局势很稳定,而且自治,并且经济繁荣。Iraqi Kurdistan is stable, self-ruling and economically vibrant.

库尔德斯坦自由生活党与库尔德工人党联系密切,并在伊拉克设有基地。Kurdistan Free Life Party close ties with the PKK, and has bases in Iraq.

伊拉克的库尔德局势很稳定,而且自治,并且经济繁荣。And it is. Iraqi Kurdistan is stable, self-ruling and economically vibrant.

土耳其军方认为是库尔德族反政府力量库尔德工人党发动了这次袭击。The attack is being blamed on Kurdish rebels of the Kurdistan workers Party.

土耳其进入伊拉克的库尔德斯坦清剿库尔德工人党的行动导致局面日益紧张。Tensions are growing over Turkey's raid into Iraqi Kurdistan to root out the PKK.

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然而,年轻时斯提所熟知的库尔德斯坦,正像他所见的一样,已经离去。And yet the Kurdistan Mr Siti knew in his youth, as he sees it, has almost disappeared.

HeritaGE集团和挪威DNO集团对位于库尔德斯坦陶克的另一座油田有兴趣。HeritaGE and the Norwegian group DNO are interested in another Kurdistan field at Tawke.

每年夏天,西庞先生都要到这些游牧部落居住的地方去考察。The nomadic tribes live in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan as they have for thousands of years.

据信,这一地区是库尔德工人党领导层中大多数成员的所在地。It is believed the region is the base for most of the leadership of the Kurdistan Workers Party, the PKK.

拉希德称,这家公司实由库尔德民主党党魁马苏德-巴尔扎尼控制。Rasheed indicated that Massoud Barzani, leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, controlled the company.

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其它对库尔德斯坦有意向的企业还包括私人企业Perenco、奥地利的OMV和匈牙利的MOL.Other companies with interests in Kurdistan include privately-owned Perenco, Austria's OMV and Hungary's MOL.

一想到一个库尔德斯坦可能在某天吸收土耳其为数不少的库尔德少数民族,土耳其就颤抖。Turkey shudders at the thought of a Kurdistan that might some day absorb Turkey's substantial Kurdish minority.

莎拉Shourd和其他美国人保持不小心把远足时越过伊朗在伊拉克库尔德斯坦。Sarah Shourd and the other Americans maintain they accidentally crossed into Iran while hiking in Iraqi Kurdistan.

库尔德斯坦霍勒大学的示威者高举旗帜,上面写著“国际社会在何方?”Demonstrators at the university of Kurdistan Hawler held up a banner asking, "where is the international community."

土耳其军方重炮轰击在伊拉克的库尔德工人党成员后,土耳其坦克以及成千上万的士兵越境进入伊拉克北部的库尔德斯坦。Turkish tanks and hundreds, perhaps thousands of soldiers, crossed into Iraqi Kurdistan after heavy shelling targeted at the PKK in Iraq.

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本月,伊拉克政府首次准许半自治状态的库尔德地区出口石油,这家总部设在瑞士的石油开采公司为此一振。The Swiss-based company got a fillip this month when Baghdad allowed the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan to export oil for the first time.

然而,以前来的人更喜欢关注自治而相对安全的库尔德斯坦地区。Those who have come, however, have largely chosen to focus on the autonomous and relatively safe Kurdistan region in the north for excavations.

塔拉巴尼是伊拉克库尔德人.他说,伊拉克欢迎美国在伊拉克北部库尔德斯坦自治区建立长期的基地。Mr. Talabani, who is an Iraqi Kurd , says the U. S. would be welcome to establish long-term bases in the Kurdistan autonomous region of northern Iraq.