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他们说这是“失速速度”。Stall speed, they say.

在口井前,我将停留。At the well, I would stall.

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我们房子里有淋浴小隔间。Our house has a shower stall.

小母牛在牛栏里吼叫。A heifer bellowed in her stall.

路边的这家食品精品屋是我开的。I run this roadside food stall.

九龙旺角区菜市场猪肉摊。Pork stall in Wongkok, Kowloon.

在市场,在鱼畜舍栏。In the market,at the fish stall.

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马在厩栏上擦著身子。The horse chafed against his stall.

没有人希望这一势头停滞不前。No one wants this momentum to stall.

正厅前排有票吗?Be there anything in the front stall?

他设法把债主搪塞过去了。He managed to stall off his creditor.

我靠在隔间上,失声痛哭。I leaned against the stall and cried.

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正厅前排有票吗?Is there anything in the front stall?

马被安置在单独的马房里。Each horse was put in a separate stall.

昆明哪里适合摆地摊?Where is Kunming fit to set up a stall?

从伦敦的畜舍内吃已成为冻状的鳗鱼。Eat jellied eels from a stall in London.

昨天晚上我们在大排档吃了一顿饭。We ate dinner at a food stall last night.

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我们滑进了一个编了号码的停车处,走了出来。We slid into a numbered stall and got out.

现在搬迁至升隆茶室的摊位里。Now moved to Restaurant Sheng Long's stall.

受惊的马在马房里乱踢不止。The excited horse flung about in the stall.