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新学期,新面貌。New semester, new feature.

这是一个高级特性。This is an advanced feature.

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这是可以任选的功能部件。This is an optional feature.

这是一个很有用的特性。This is a very handy feature.

安卓系统也有类似的功能。Android has a similar feature.

对于新手非常有帮助的一个特性A great feature for landlubbers

他在该电影中未演主角。He didn't feature in that movie.

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异常可以被认为是一个特点。Abnormality can become a feature.

她是一个五官端正的姑娘。She is a girl of regular feature.

福斯导演了五部故事片。Fosse directed five feature films.

我现在是在关注最小特性集合吗?Am I at the minimum feature set yet?

该报还获得专题摄影奖。It also won for Feature Photography.

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一个常用的特性是标尺。One commonly used feature is rulers.

出现特性的许可协议。The license for your feature appears.

墙体更以可食用植物为特色。The walls even feature edible plants!

所有兄弟的相貌都与他们的父亲相似。All the brothers feature their father.

使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。Cliche is a feature of bad journalism.

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黑暗与光明将会实行永久死亡吗?Will Dark & Light feature Perma death?

在这样的地方打着领带你能想像吗?Can you feature wearing a necktie here?

我该如何启用停止追踪的功能?How does the Do-not-track feature work?