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戴维总督。Governor Davey.

亚瑟总督。Governor Arthur.

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我希望见见典狱官。I wish to see the Governor.

他也曾经担任过两江总督。He was also a governor here.

石原知事很快便就此道歉。The governor soon apologized.

代码清理克洛诺斯总督。Code clean up Cronos Governor.

州长赦免了这个小偷。The governor pardoned the thief.

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尊敬的华盛顿州英斯利州长。Governor Jay Inslee of Washington.

解体检修主机调速器。Overhaul the main engine governor.

达令总督从来都不受欢迎。Governor Darling was never popular.

他宣布竞选美国州长。He announced for the U.S. governor.

他就在这里担任过两江总督。He was a Liang Jiang Governor here.

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他是旁遮普省的省长。Well, he was the governor of Punjab.

他曾经在这里担任过三年的总管。He was governor here for three years.

巴比特省长在今日早些时候做了讲话。Governor Babbit spoke to us earlier today.

后来他成为了牙买加的总督Later he was made the governor of Jamaica.

纳波布莫卧儿帝国统治下的印度总督。A governor in India under the Mogul Empire.

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他是一个好人,一位杰出的州长。Dukakis was a good man and a fine governor.

州长宣布紧急状态。The governor declared a state of emergency.

我们控制住了局势,州长先生。We have everything under control, Governor.