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祝她早日康复!Hopefully she will recover.

你们应该知道怎么做吧。Hopefully you know how to do that.

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希望我们能一直这样做下去。Hopefully we can continue to do that.

不行,希望你们的答案是不行。No. Hopefully you're going to say no.

希望大自然的力量甚于反话。Hopefully Mother Nature appreciates irony.

希望有一天我能够拥有一个小农场。hopefully one day, I can have a small farm.

多希望我是第一次解答啊。Hopefully I phrased it right the first time.

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那只饿狗望着食物,满怀希望。The hungry dog looked hopefully at the food.

现在的行医政策。Hopefully they've cleared it up a little bit.

希望它们至少在某一方面有用。Hopefully they're at least useful in some way.

我们再次解放他们一次。Hopefully we don'thave to liberate them again.

“我们能养更大的鱼,”他满怀希望地说。"We can grow bigger fish, " he says hopefully.

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但愿你们都做了这份习题。Hopefully you have a copy of the practice exam.

但愿兰德里将恢复回来,准备上场。Hopefully Landry will be back and ready to role.

希望计划能够顺利进行。Hopefully get something going along those lines.

希望他们这次能批准我们的订单。Hopefully they will approve our order this time.

希望随着复苏的到来,我们处在一个合理的规模。And hopefully with a recovery, we're right-sized.

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只但愿他不会像他爸爸一样为人处世。Hopefully he would not do the same thing as his dad.

里尔很危险,希望我们可以踢好比赛。Lille are dangerous, but hopefully we can play well.

我们队有希望赢得这场比赛并得块奖牌。Hopefully our team will win the game and win a medal.