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几乎所有的现代三维CAD工具有一些实施MBD需要的功能。Most all modern 3D CAD tools have some capability for MBD.

结论加味补中益气汤治疗突聋有一定价值。Conclusion MBD is more effective in the treatment of sudden deafness than mailening.

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最后通过某飞机机加件的MBD模型实例阐述了模型建立的流程。Finally, modeling process is described via an MBD model instance of an aircraft machine parts.

目前在航空航天,汽车和高科技行业中,很多人声称成功引入了MBD。There have been many claims to successful MBD in aerospace, automotive, and high tech electronics.

到目前为止,他并没有收到太多的反馈,这也了表明了这一标准和MBD使用情况。So far he has not received too many responses, and no response that indicates the use of this standard and MBD.

公司预测,全球石油需求有望从2009年时的8380万桶/天增加至2014年时的8910万桶/天。The company forecasts world demand to increase from 83.8 million barrels per day this year to 89.1 mbd in 2014.

介绍了动态系统基于模型诊断的诊断过程,综述了建模诊断方法、时序基于模型诊断方法。The process of MBD of dynamic systems is introduced, the methods of modeling and diagnosis, and temporal MBD are summarized.

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即使埃及的所有产量都中断,别的地方的产量很容易就会取而代之,因为世界上大约还有每日400万桶过剩的生产能力。If all of Egypt's production halted, it could be replaced because the world now has about 4 mbd of surplus4 capacity elsewhere.

我曾经在惠普公司做过工程师,惠普成功减少了二维图纸的运用,但远远没有达到“无二维”的效果或者说成功实施MBD。As engineers at Hewlett Packard, we were successful with reduced content drawings, but we never made it to a "drawing-less", or MBD process.

更重要的是,与甲基化的DNA相关的MBD起到鉴定人类癌症后生失活新靶的作用。Most importantly, we demonstrate that MBD association to methylated DNA serves to identify novel targets of epigenetic inactivation in human cancer.

本文还以合力H2000系列叉车为例,对基于HCP网的优化配置方法以及基于ICSP和MBD的交互配置方法进行了仿真验证。The simulation and analysis on HCP-based and ICSP and MBD based configuration optimization methods are also performed by using Heli H2000 series forklift.

我们描述了一例年青的非酗酒患者的放射影像学发现,患者逐渐发展为脑病,核磁共振成像发现与MBD一致。We describe the presentation, course and radiological findings of a young non-alcoholic woman who developed encephalopathy and MRI findings consistent with MBD postoperatively.