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他脸上的表情显示他在生气。The expression on his face betrays hia anger.

他的病况一定会影响工作。His health condition is bound to affect hia work.

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的小孩,赌气着,不肯承认长大的事实。A wilful child in my heart never accept hia grow-up.

不过他的冷静与自信却俘获了我,所以我一直无法忘记这句诗。But hia sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it.

如果马向他的房子走去会发生什么?But what would happen if the horses took the road to hia house?

他把它放入他的房子的窗户而且照一张花园的照片。He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of hia garden.

他在他屋子里的窗户向他的花园照了一张相片。He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of hia garden.

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设计结合就象海河与天津市的发展结合。It unites the design like the Hia he river unites the city of Tian Jin.

有人说,婴儿在母亲的子宫里能与母亲做同一个梦。There are those who believe that a child in zhe womb shares hia mother's dreams.

但是,由于HIA过程中使用的证据不够严谨,这种方法因此遭到了批评。However, HIA methodology has been criticized for a lack of rigour in its use of evidence.

身为邢家的一分子,邢家期待著我能传宗接代,光宗耀祖。As a member of the family, I am expected to carry on the Hia line and uphold the honor of my ancestors.

最后,该指南经由受邀志愿者在实践中检验,这些志愿者用其评价现有的HIA证据。Finally, the guide was tested in practice by invited volunteers who used it to appraise existing HIA evidence reviews.

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本次培训由我中心、ICCROM和维甘市政府共同举办,是HIA主题系列的第三届培训。As the third session of the series on HIA topic, this year's workshop is organized by and ICCROM with support of the Vigan City Government.

作为实例,利用SV分量接收函数反演方法反演了海拉尔台下的S波速度结构。As an example, we investigate the S-wave velocity structure beneath HIA station by using the SV-component receiver function inversion method.

本章对李弥逊的家世和生平进行了详细的梳理,并在正文后有其年谱简编的附录,对于今后对李弥逊的进一步研究会有帮助。In this chapter I introduce his family and hia life detailedly, and after the body I set his Compendium Appendix Chronicle which would be helpful for further research.

“造化”一词在中国历史发展过程中被广泛使用,但是,“造化”一词本身却难以进行词源学定义。The Chinese word "Zao Hua" has been widely used in the process of Chinese historical development, However, the Chinese word "Zao Hia" is difficult to be defined by etymology.

他的长、短篇小说以结构丰富的想象世界,其中糅混着魔幻与现实,反映了一整个大陆的生命矛盾。For hia novels and short stories, in which the fantastic and the realistic are combined in a richly composed world of imagination, reflecting a continent's life and conflicts.

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OMA的总体规划是一系列的四个圆形区域沿着与HIA跑道平行的中轴排列,旨在营造强烈的视觉标识和具有独特特点的地区。OMA's masterplan is a series of four circular districts along a spine parallel to the HIA runways, intended to create a strong visual identity and districts with unique identities.

尽管大量反复的咨询十分耗时,但是对于编写一个可用以评估HIA过程中使用的公共可用性研究证据的简单、系统化的、易获取的指南来说,这种咨询却是至关重要的。Substantive and iterative consultation, though time-consuming, was pivotal to producing a simple, systematic and accessible guide to reviewing publicly available research evidence for use in HIA.