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安娜贝尔在他头上打了一下。Annabel whacked him on the head.

他用力把球击入左外野。He whacked the ball into left field.

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那恶棍用棒头狠揍我兄弟。The bully whacked my brother with a stick.

门打开时,吧嗒一声门儿碰着墙。The door unbolted, whacked back against the wall.

安娜贝利重重地给了他脑袋一拳。He said sarcastically. Annabel whacked him on the head.

过去地球已经多次受到大型空间陨石的打击。The Earth has been whacked by big space rocks in the past.

加油站已经把正常价格降了一角银币。Filling stations have whacked as much as a dime off their regular prices.

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他说是牙仙。显然他吃止疼药致幻了。Said it was the tooth fairy. So he's obviously whacked out on painkillers.

片刻之后,吉安的一脚重射踢在球门上方的横梁上,向上倾斜飞了出去。Moments later, Asamoah Gyan whacked the ball off the crossbar, up, up and away.

我在地下室的工具凳上玩的时候,锤子砸着了我的手指头。Amusing myself at the tool bench in the basement, I whacked my finger with a hammer.

有几种类型的家兔和每个都有自己的弟子出特色。There are several types of rabbits and each has their own whacked -out characteristics.

对方在他前方降落,子弹横飞,终于有一颗击中了他。’s landing in front of him, bullets hitting the dirt, and then one finally whacked him.

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她们的一个朋友试图劝阻,结果却被一对铁钳击中了头部。A friend of the pair intervened, only to be whacked on the head with a pair of iron tongs.

土耳其和巴西是曾经股市疲软的根基强壮的国家。Turkey and Brazil are fundamentally strong countries that have been whacked by the markets.

固然,投资者一直预计银行收益将受到不良贷款准备金的影响。To be sure, investors have been expecting bank earnings to get whacked by bad-loan reserves.

凯蒂用鞭子似的尾巴对他们连撞带打,他们挣扎了将近40分钟。For almost 40 minutes the men struggled as Katie butted and whacked them with her thrashing tail.

她用力地拍打一块印有深色花纹的丝绒窗帘,在阳光的照射下,一团浮尘徐徐上升。She whacked the dark floral pattern on the velour curtain, and a lazy haze of dust spun in the sunlit window.

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但是当电缆遭受到大雨或暴风雪的侵袭时,电缆的绝缘层就可能无法将水分完全排除在外。When the cables get whacked by an especially strong rain or snow storm the insulation may not block all of the moisture.

这只是另一次打鼹鼠游戏,卡扎菲位置的替换有可能会带来更糟糕的后果。It's another round of Whack-A-Mole, Gadfly's replacement is as likely to be as bad or worse than the one you just whacked.

黑社会互相仇杀的时候没有人会在乎,但人们已经受够了他们杀害无辜的行为。No one really cared when they whacked each other, but when they started to kill civilians, people decided they'd had enough.