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现在成了一个典型的英国名字了。Akmal Shaikh —Now that is a fine old British name.

被捕后两个月,谢赫被判处死刑。Two months after his arrest Shaikh was sentenced to death.

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这是位于阿布扎比机场路的谢赫·穆罕默德·本·扎耶德清真寺。The Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Mosque on Airport Road in Abu Dhabi.

这就是为什么我们不喜欢我们的穆里德把他们所有的钱给谢赫的原因。That is why we don't like our murids to give all their money to the shaikh.

不过,英国外交部官员得到允许可以和谢赫谈15分钟。However, foreign office officials were allowed to spend 15 minutes with Shaikh.

世界卫生组织负责中东紧急事务的主管艾沙谢赫认为这是一个可悲的错误。WHO Middle East Head of Emergencies, Irshae Shaikh calls this a tragic mistake.

当他在伦敦居住的时候,阿克毛和其家人是我负责的病人。Mr Akmal Shaikh was my registered patient with his family when he lived in London.

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寻道者不能反对筛海在指导和支配门人的方法。The seeker must not object to the way the shaikh instructs and controls the murids.

族里的老族长将我立嗣,继承他的族长之位。The old Shaikh of the clan picked me to be his heir to succeed the sovereign of Shaikh.

谢赫的前律师说,在2003年,谢赫还是个“迷人的、有魅力的男人”。Shaikh's former solicitor said that as recently as 2003 Shaikh was a "charming and charismatic man".

作为他的医生,我感到担心,因为他一直有身心健康问题。As his doctor , I am concerned that Mr Akmal Shaikh has since progressive medical and mental conditions.

伟大的伊斯兰教领袖哈玛,激励穆斯林要虔诚及顺服全能的阿拉。The Grand Mufti , Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili exhorted Muslims to be pious and obey Allah the Almighty.

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于是我飞奔了出去,甚至连鞋子和羊毛外衣都没有顾上穿,我看见我的谢赫处在光辉中,站在那座山顶上。I saw my shaikh in a brilliant vision, standing on the hill. He called to me and said, 'Abdullah Effendi, come.

星期二,在中国当局处死阿克马尔.沙伊克后,驻英大使傅莹被召见到英国外交办公室。Ambassador Fu Ying was summoned to the British Foreign Office Tuesday, after Chinese authorities executed Akmal Shaikh.

我怀着兴趣读完了你关于阿克毛的文章。你说,中国人假如处死他的话会因此而面临严重的后果。I read your article on Akmal Shaikh with interest. It says the Chinese will face serious consequences if the execution goes ahead.

他的支持者认为,谢是精神病患者,和中方官员并没有考虑到他的精神状况时,他进行尝试。His supporters argued that Shaikh was mentally ill, and that Chineseofficials did not take his mental condition into account when trying him.

世卫组织急救专家伊沙尔·沙克称达尔富尔的局面继续受到了关注并且也得到了世界各国政府的人道援助。WHO Emergency Expert Irshae Shaikh says the situation in Darfur meritscontinuecontinued attention and humanitarian support from all governments.

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谢赫将通过充满了困难的一条道路提升他,通过敬拜真主训练他,并引导他到一种完全无我的状态。The shaikh will lift him up through a path filled with difficulties, train him through worship, and guide him to a state of complete Self- Effacement.

我迅速联系了英国外交部,希望能够在身体和精神方面有所帮助,如果中国觉得有必要。I immediately made contact with The British Foreign Office. I wish to assist Mr Akmal Shaikh in his medical and mental condition if necessary in China.

星期二,在中国当局处死阿克马尔。沙伊克后,驻英大使傅莹被召见到英国外交办公室。沙伊克被判犯有毒品走私罪。Ambassador Fu Ying was summoned to the British Foreign Office Tuesday, after Chinese authorities executed Akmal Shaikh. He had been convicted of drug trafficking.