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我说,把他捆上!Bind him, I say!

赫里史肯定会拒绝它。Herrick be bind to reject it.

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赫里史肯定会拒绝它。Herrick is bind to reject it.

在麻布袋装满之前绑住口!Bind the sack before it be full!

袋子装得过满便扎不住口。Bind the sack before it be full.

设置安全和绑定安全角色。Set up security and bind security roles.

将控制项系结至资料库中的图片。Bind a control to an image in a database.

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它们粘附在抗原――抗体复合物上。They bind to antigen--antibody complexes.

求祢以慈绳爱索把我们系在祢心中。With cords of love bind us to your heart.

护士将用绷带包扎艾德扭伤的足踝。The nurse will bind up Ed's sprained ankle.

我们使用searchBox,并将其与phrase绑定。We use the searchBox and bind it to phrase.

差遣我医好伤心的人。He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted.

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通过BIND原语可以为套接字分配地址。These are assigned using the BIND primitive.

现而今的德勤却是身缚于自作的茧之中。But Deloitte is now in a bind all of its own.

壳聚糖对金属离子有良好的配位作用。Chitosan has well ability to bind metal ions.

以契约约束按契约的规定为另一方服务。To bind into the service of another by indenture.

使犁、捆草是一种快乐。To guide the plough, to bind the sheaves, is joy.

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现在,我们需要将输入绑定到一些输入数据上。Now, we need to bind the input to some input data.

爱情统治不用刀枪,捆绑不用绳索。Love rules without a sword and bind without a cord.

玛丽让我帮她把长发扎起来。Mary asked me to help her to bind up her long hair.