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我感觉昏眩作呕。I feel dizzy and nauseated.

有过恶心,呕吐吗?Have you ever nauseated or vomited?

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多喝了几杯之后她感到有点儿恶心。She was nauseated for more drinking.

我已吃腻了她烧出的饭菜。I nauseated about the food she cooked.

克雷布斯感到了恶心和厌恶。Krebs felt sick and vaguely nauseated.

我们面对的每一次癌症晚期,都会让我恶心。Each cancer milestone we faced left me nauseated.

她闻见生肉燃烧的臭气直作呕。She was nauseated by the stench of burning flesh.

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她说她感到有点作呕和头晕。She says that she feels sort of nauseated and dizzy.

他已厌倦了与妻子无休止的吵闹生活。It nauseated him to quarrel with his wife without end.

但是这让他作呕,吴先生在后来的会见中回忆到。But it nauseated him, Mr. Wu recalled in later interviews.

不料那味道非常奇特,令他觉得恶心反胃,连早餐都吐出来了。The incredibly strange taste nauseated him and he vomited his breakfast.

在妈妈们感到疲乏或者恶心的时候,它也能帮上忙。It also helps many moms when they are feeling fatigued or even nauseated.

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国民党侈谈民主,尤其使满洲人感到厌恶。The lip service the Kuomintang paid to democracy particularly nauseated the Manchurians.

这疼能疼得钻心,让他从熟睡中疼醒,呕吐。The pain would throb and pulsate, waking him out of a sound sleep and making him nauseated.

她本来感觉不错,但是突然觉得头晕和恶心,出了很多汗。She'd put in a good time, but suddenly she felt dizzy and nauseated and broke out in a sweat.

我最近试图读读莎士比亚的作品,可发现那相当乏味,难受得令人作呕。I have tried lately to read Shakspeare, and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me.

我最近尝试阅读莎士比亚,却无法忍受它的郁闷,郁闷得我恶心。I have tried lately to read Shakespeare, and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me.

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我需要新鲜空气,因为从他被追封为圣者那天起我就觉得作呕。I needed the fresh park air because I was feeling nauseated from another day of this endless canonization.

但干扰素则大为不同,干扰素的治疗让他恶心不止,他只能躺在沙发上。But the interferon was something else . The treatments made him so nauseated all he could do was lie on his couch.

尽管他心里很厌恶,但还是把酒喝了下去。不过,他总感到恶心,一回到家,就生病了。Though disgusted, he swallowed the wine down, but the thought of the snake nauseated him. As soon as he got home, he fell ill.