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别放过升级机会。Don't muff your chance to earn a promotion.

我甚至戴着皮手筒,都不能把手暖和过来。I can hardly keep my hands warmeven in my muff.

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莫夫·波特要是给逮住了,一定会被绞死!Muff Potter'll hang for this if they catch him!

哈克,莫夫·波特不知道出事了,他怎么能告发呢?Huck, Muff Potter don't know it. How can he tell?

医生的尸体被发现了,无辜的莫夫被捕了。The doctor's body is found, innocent Muff is arrested.

当时,莫夫·波特离死人不到三英尺远呢。It was within three feet of Muff Potter when it done it.

“啊,你来啦!”她说着,从手筒里抽出手来。"Ah, you've come! " she said, and drew her hand from her muff.

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她想用皮蒂姑妈那个海豹皮手筒,好将自己的手戴在里面。She'd take Aunt Pitty's little seal muff and hide her bare hands in it.

重视它的精力吗?有的猫活蹦乱跳,有的则温和迟钝。Three, value of energy?The some cat live to leap disorderly jump, have of geniality muff.

但在他们鼓起勇气挺身而出之前,穆夫.波特却背了黑锅。But before they can summon the nerve to come forward, Muff Potter is blamed for the crime.

这种套式磁弹性扭矩传感器是基于磁弹性效应原理而研制的。The transducer designed on a muff type is developed on the basis of magnetoelastic effect.

那人哼哼着稍微动了一下身子,脸暴露在月光下,原来是莫夫·波特。The man moaned, writhed a little, and his face came into the moonlight. It was Muff Potter.

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于是人们憧憬相逢,好让迟钝的心灵再次点燃一把烈火。Hence people imagine to meet mutually, liking to let the mind of the muff spark an again very hot fire.

她的天真和幻想使她闹了不少笑话,但她的善良和直率也使她赢得了友谊和真挚的爱。Her naive and fantasy make many muff of herself. But her goodness and frankness let she get friendship and true love.

他放下橙子,把椅子向后挪了挪,随后她从皮手套里取出纤纤玉手,朝他伸过来。He laid downthe orange and pushed back his chair, and she took her little warm hand out ofher muff and gave it to him.

室内突然变得很安静,只有两人的呼吸,跟战淳轩绵长沉稳的呼吸声比较起来,她的气息紊乱得多了。The indoor suddenly becomes very quiet, merely have 2 people's respiration, with war Chun Xuan the stretching distant cool-headed breath voice liken, her breathing muff get many.

年少无知的我,不知温柔乡里陷阱多,满以为那些,青春美丽的小羊羔们可以多少弥补我迟钝的大脑抚慰我脆弱的心灵。The juniority is stupid of I, don't know gentleness village neighborhood trap many, full think those, youth beauty of small lambs can how much make up me muff of the brain comfort me weak of mind.