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昆虫发现自己被缠在一个逃脱不掉的罗网中。The insect found itself entangled in an inextricable net.

生命是一个谜,是红尘中的人永远也解不开的谜。Life is a mystery, an inextricable mystery for human society.

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由此,琴及其产生的琴曲与诗歌产生了千丝万缕的联系。Thus, Guqin and its melody had inextricable link with poetry.

广州人与全省各地有着千丝万缕的联系。Guangzhou people and the inextricable link across the province.

这部电影的政治表达和白人怀旧主义是分不开的。The film ' s politics of nostalgia and whiteness are inextricable.

领导者和沟通者之间有解不开的联系。There is an inextricable link between leadership and communication.

能源与农业之间的联系是不可分的。And then there is the inextricable link between energy and agriculture.

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野心和未来感建筑明天——密不可分。Ambition and futurity a sense of building for tomorrow-- ar'e inextricable.

看到这个骗局的错综复杂,我的心又沈了下来。My heart sunk again on viewing the inextricable complexity of this deception.

自然主义知识论作为一种新思潮,没能逃脱矫枉过正的宿命。As a new trend of thought, the epistemic naturalism has an inextricable fate of hypercorrectness.

感激则是通过每一天具体而微的生活细节来充实自己,并告诫自己不要坠入无法自拔的衰伤当中。Gratitude is to fill them with concrete life details and tell the selves don't fall in the inextricable sadness.

令我震惊的是,庄严,美丽,神圣的事物往往与人的动物本性有着千丝万缕的联系。The horror for me is the fact that the sublime, the beautiful and the divine are inextricable from basic animal functions.

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俄罗斯精神曾经是一个“难解之谜”,迄今为止不少史家、学者都进行过探讨,但始终众说不一。Russian Spirit was once "an inextricable puzzle ". Many historians and scholars have made studies on it up till now, but their opinions vary.

鲍威尔说,"全球发展行动计划联盟的创建人认识到两者间这种不可分割的联系,并建立了通过消除全球贫困增强安全的一种手段。""IDG's founders understand this inextricable link and have created a vehicle to increase security by eliminating global poverty," Powell said.

美索不达米亚人认为不可思议的事是苏美尔和阿卡得起源的不可分混合物,被一种未知的底层人口所影响。The Mesopotamian view on the supernatural is an inextricable mixture of Sumerian and Akkadian origin, influenced by an unknown substrate population.

目的探讨在法医学鉴定中普通X线片难以确定的肋骨骨折,以CT技术加以显示的方法,并阐明肋骨骨折的力学原理。Objective To explore an approach of CT rendering and mechanical analysis for rib fracture that was inextricable on X-ray film in legal medical practice.

那么,没有了锅碗瓢盆和居家生活、生育、女人的操劳、男人的保护,那么男女之间的爱情何去何从?And, without the context of hearth and home, childbearing, male protection inextricable from female servitude, what will love between a man and woman be?

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荷马,维吉尔,品达尔和奥维德的语言,成为弥尔顿文学想象还有文学觉悟中,无法摆脱的一部分。The language of Homer and of Virgil and of Pindar and of Ovid had become an inextricable part of his literary imagination and of his consciousness in general.

总编张海鸥称,彼得传达的信息“绝对与中国的年青一代产生了共鸣”,这一信息与彼得的身世密不可分。Something about Buffett's message "is definitely resonating with many young Chinese, " says Zhang, his editor. That message is inextricable from Peter's biography.

看看奥巴马沮丧的神情,再看看伦敦骚乱,我们就知道负债和失业是如何乱麻般纠结在一起的。Recognizing the relationship between different events, we see how President Obama's frustrated face relates to the London riots—the inextricable link between debt and unemployment.