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我很喜欢人们嘲笑我。I love it when people jeer me.

请不要嘲笑我的努力。Please don't jeer at my efforts.

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不要对别人的错误嘲笑。Don't jeer at the mistake of others.

他们都嘲笑那个愚蠢的演说者。They all jeer at the foolish speaker.

不要嘲笑别人的不幸。Do not jeer at the misfortunes of others.

到底是为什么他们要嘲笑可怜的提米啊!How mean of people to jeer at poor Timmy!

你可以“讥笑”,但你能做得更好吗?You may jeer , but can you do any better?

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他们会嘲弄地说,“小芬尼亚来了。”Here comes the little fenian , they'd jeer.

对表演者、讲演者和队员嘲笑或大嚷。To jeer or shout AT a player, speaker, or team.

这个孩子喜欢嘲笑那个笨拙的学生。The children liked to jeer at the awkward student.

不要嘲笑别人的错误或不幸。Do not jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others.

他们开始比其他男孩都更凶狠地嘲笑他、辱骂他。They began to jeer and insult him more than the other boys.

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我本害怕嘲人,直到我学会如何自我解嘲。I was afraid of being jeer , till i learn how to jeer myself back.

他们已经不满足于只是嘲弄费舍尔恶劣,科比的每个动作他们都会发出嘘声。Not content to jeer old favorite Derek Fisher, they booed Bryant's every move.

它诱你们人睡,只为站在你们睡榻边嘲弄你们肉体的尊严。It lulls you to sleep only to stand by your bed and jeer at the dignity of the flesh.

何芷衡嘿然冷笑,知情的下人无一敢言语。He Zhi Heng's Hey however jeer at, know what happened of next person nobody dare discourse.

文人每好鄙薄富人,然于诗文之佳者,又往往以金玉珠玑锦绣誉之,则又何也?Scholars often jeer at the rich. Then when they praise a piece of composition, why do they.

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“昆德拉式的幽默”除了揶揄、谐趣之外,更多的则是基于“诗性沉思”的自嘲和反讽。Kundera's humor mainly contains laughing-at-himself and irony from poetic meditation besides jeer and witticism.

在减肥产品上有这些信息在挑逗着那些正在寻找快速而方便的减肥方法的消费者。Messages favor these on weight-loss products jeer consumers looking for a quick and effortless course to shed pounds.

中国产品已经被打上了伪劣商品的印记,经济与政治掺杂,”殖民“这个词语慢慢传开,小孩子和家长们议论说街上的狗被中国人给捉了吃了。The word “colonial” is bandied about. Children jeer and their parents whisper about street dogs disappearing into cooking pots.