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矩阵乘法是有结合律的。Matrix product is associative.

网络的使用利用联想记忆法则。This NNC is utilized by way of associative memory.

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本文给出了两个检验结合律的方法。This paper offers two methods to verify the associative law.

对于一个关联容器来说,排序要求是什么?What are the sorting requirements on an associative container?

这样的记忆更容易获取,更连贯和易于联想。It would be more accessible, more coherent and more associative.

每一行都被表示为键值对关联数组。Each row is represented as an associative array of key-value pairs.

这些轻微联手的广告被称为联合效应。This advertising slight-of-hand is called associative conditioning.

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中国字“家”是结合字,它的一部分意思是“猪”。Chinese character home is associative and some part of it means pig.

这是交易之后的数据,也存储在另一个关联数组中。This post-transaction data is also stored in another associative array.

请记住,原型是一个对象,所以它也是一个关联数组。Remember that the prototype is an object, so it is also an associative array.

关联数组中的名称必须与DTO中的属性名字匹配。The names in the associative array must match with the properties in the DTO.

作为应用,给出结合BCI-代数的一组等价公理系。As application, we give a equivalent axiom system of associative BCI-algebras.

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本文证明了一个特殊理想是零环的结合环同构于亚直不可约环的亚直和。The structure of associative rings with a special ideal is discussed in this paper.

二层非耦合汉明联想存储器是一种新型的联想存储器。The two-level decoupled Hamming associative memory is a new kind of associative memory.

联动和推理过程在获得信息的能力上是不同的。Associative and reasoning processes differ in their ability to access other information.

本文提出了采用组件化规范和技术设计组态软件。Raise a point of designing configuration software with COM and associative technologies.

柳安木、胡桃木色泽较理想,地面整体感很强。The lauan , the walnut luster is ideal, the ground associative perception is very strong.

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联想学习理论已经被应用于研究记忆、学习和言语学习的工作中。Associative learning theory has been used in studies of memory, learning, and verbal learning.

它还将帐户数据的交易后快照存储在另一个关联数组中。It also stores the post-transaction snapshot of the account data in another associative array.

整个二层非耦合汉明联想存储器的硬件实现是基于FPGA的设计。Hardware implementation of the two-level decoupled Hamming associative memory is based on FPGA.